Chapter 59

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Daisy ✧

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My breath had been caught in my throat.

"What are you doing love?" She questions taking a step closer towards me.

My eyes are wide and my breath is ragged as I take a step back.

As I took steps back, her steps became closer and closer until I eventually hit a wall behind me.

She went up to me, her breath fanning my face and her aroma filling my nose with a mix of rose-scented perfume and the smell of tobacco.

Her hand came up from her side, making me instinctively flinch, but she didn't hit me as I expected her to. Instead, she stroked my cheek.

She had a malicious smile on her face as she gazed down at me; she was considerably taller than me, standing around 5'10, whereas my 5'4 self wished hard to be as tall as this girl.

"Angel picked a pretty one, hm." She says as she studied my appearance, she twirled one of my curls around her finger.

If I'm being honest, she intimidated me far more than any male ever could.

It could be because she appears to be a walking psychopath, but Michael is as well, so...

"Now, what are you doing untied?"  She says this while faking concern.

I chewed on my bottom lip while keeping my mouth shut and looked at the ground.

Her hand suddenly came to my chin and lifted it up with her fingertips.

As my head returned to normal, I avoided making eye contact with her as she pulled my bottom lip out of my mouth with her thumb.

Before returning my gaze to her green eyes, I briefly glanced at the open door behind her.

"Baby, you need to talk; otherwise, I'm not going to mind messing up your pretty face even more."

I let out a shaky breath before returning my gaze to her. My fist flew from my side and connected with her jaw, taking her off guard.

She stumbled back, and I dashed up the steps to the door. I had just made it through the door, but there was a huge bulky man guarding the entrance, and he moved in front of me, preventing me from going any farther.

"No!" I yelled when I realised how far I'd come.

Suddenly, I was dragged back with a pull on my hair, causing me to yelp in pain.

My body had crumbled to the floor beneath me, and I staggered back.

The person who had pulled my hair stepped around me, her green eyes piercing into mine, all amusement had vanished, leaving only pure anger.

"Didn't think you had the guts."  She laughs bitterly.

I whirled around to find that I was positioned exactly on the brink of the staircase, one small shove and I'd be in the hospital for weeks.

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