Chapter 34

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Daisy ✧

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"Okay guys, I totally ship this but can you not make out in the fùcking kitchen."

They pulled away from each other instantly.

Miya looked at me wide-eyed while Tyson scratched the back of his head looking at his shoes.

I just stared at them amusedly.

They look so uncomfortable this is hilarious.

"Hello," I say waving my hand at their silent figures.

"Um, I can explain," Miya says.

"Guys, I'm not upset I could care less, to be honest, if Miya wasn't dating that asshòle before I totally would have had you guys go out or something." I say seriously.

Tyson shrugs and smirks, completely unaffected.

"Well, that makes me feel better." He says clasping his hands.

Miya looks at me unsure, but I nod at her telling her to follow me upstairs.

She nods and walks up with me.

We make it to the room and I shut the door closed as she sits on my bed.

I walk over to her as she apologises, but I wrap my arms around her stopping her.

"You don't need to apologise, you can't help who you're attracted to Miya, plus the tension between you two has always been visible."

"It was bound to happen," I told her shrugging my shoulders.

She grins at me and hugs me tightly again.

"Okay enough about me, how was it."

I fill her in on the date, obviously leaving out the whole 'he finger fùcked me' thing.

For the rest of the night, we watched movies until we were too tired to continue.


It was now Sunday evening, Miya had gone home early this morning which left me to do nothing all day.

"Tyson?" I yelled out.

"What!" He yells back.

"Nothing just wanted to see if you were home." I shout.

I giggle to myself and go back to my room.

I plop down onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts.

I hadn't heard from Angel all day, though it didn't stop him from invading my thoughts.

Angel had this sort of aurora around him, it held confidence, power and intimidation, making anyone or anything instantly obey him.

Angel was known for his certain anger, and I had yet to witness it.

I got cut out of my thoughts by the sound of a large truck.

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