Chapter 31

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Daisy ✧

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Angel and I were now back in his house, we drove our cars back to the garage and went straight back upstairs.

"Hungry?" He asks me.

"Very." I say rubbing my stomach.

His lips twitch at the action before being replaced with his normal facade.

He leads us to the kitchen and pulls out a stool for me to sit on.

I sit down and tuck the seat in and watch as he works around the kitchen.

He takes out some ingredients and then turns the stove on and began cooking.

"Can I help?" I ask him.

He looks up from the cutting board to me and nods.

I smile and get off the seat walking over to him.

I take the pasta packet and open it, I go over to the stove and place the hard pasta into the hot water dish.

I smile happily as it all goes in neatly and move away putting the packet into the bin.

"We should be chefs." I point out as he continuously cuts.

He smirks without looking up from the cutting board.

"Yeah, we could have our own restaurant and stuff." I rant on stupidly.

He hums and allows me to continue.

"Daisy and Angel's." I say picturing it in my head.

I flip my black locks away from my shoulder and look up at Angel.

He stared at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes before turning back to the board.

He placed everything into the pan as it sizzled away.

He put the cover on top and let it simmer.

I leaned away from the counter and went up to him as he walked over to me.

I smiled up at him and pointed a finger at my cheek.

I could tell that he was trying not to give away any sort of emotions with me, but he failed miserably when his lips broke into the smallest smile.

He quickly covered it by leaning down to my cheek and placing a kiss on it.

He moves his lips to my lips and pecked them.

I took this opportunity to wrap my arms around his neck keeping him closer to me.

"Mr Romano."

A deep voice spoke from behind him.

I stood away from him as Angel had rolled his eyes and turned to the man.

"Your father wanted me to remind you about the meeting being held in an hour at the empire." The man spoke authoritatively.

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