Chapter 16

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Daisy ✧

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Tyson was in his usual black suit.

The same black suit I saw every morning when he would go to work.

I watch him walk into the mansion carelessly, my shocked features don't change as his figure disappears from my vision.

I feel a small tug on my hand, this brought me out of my daze.

I looked at my hand as I slowly trailed my eyes up to the hand connected to mine.

Angel stared at me with a blank look on his face.

"Tyson works here ?" I asked confused.

He nods his head in response.

"In the Mafia." I state with wide eyes.

He doesn't respond but I already knew the answer.

"How could he not tell me." I whisper to myself.

I hear Angel sigh and walk over towards me.

His hand comes to my chin, using his thumb and index finger, tilting my head up.

"Don't overthink." His voice comes out low and deep.

I look up at him and nod.

I'll talk to him tonight.

Shaking my thoughts away, I walk with Angel to his car.

The car ride was silent, the sound of the radio faintly playing in the background.

Soon enough we were at my house.

Angel got out of the car and went around to my side.

He opened the door for me and I got out.

"For a cold-hearted person your pretty much a gentlemen." I point out.

He rolls his eyes as he slides his ray bans on.

"Only for you." He says quietly.

Once we made it to my doorstep I had unlocked the door and then turned to Angel.

"Thank you for today." I told him.

"Was totally worth the skip." I say grinning at him.

His deep chuckle sends tingles down my spine.

"Welcome." He says.

"I'll see you around then?" I say.

He nods and steps away.

I smile and send him a wave goodbye as I turn around to my door and open it up.

After shutting the door I went straight to my room and showered.

My thoughts were covered in the events that had happened today.

Somehow out of everything that had happened my mind couldn't help but wonder towards the almost kiss between Angel and me.

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