Chapter 54

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Daisy ✧

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I didn't move away from Angel's side for the remainder of the day, terrified he'd slip away from me again.

To be honest, I believe my protective instinct has gotten out of hand, but I can't help it. The thought of losing him was killing me on the inside, and it was something I didn't want to experience again, or ever.

Despite Angel's complaints of leaving the hospital, stating he was fine to leave, I stayed with him overnight since I, along with his mother, didn't want him to leave for at least another day.

I knew he'd be okay if he left; nothing seemed to bother him, let alone hurt him, but I still wanted him to spend another day just in case.

It was now Wednesday morning, Angel was currently showering while I sat on his hospital bed  buried in my own thoughts

I wasn't sure what to make of this new anger inside of me; it surprised me at first, but it's now gradually getting stronger and not bothering me.

Whoever shot him has to be someone who despises him or me.

And whoever this person was, I was certain I wanted them to face the consequences.

The door of Angel's room abruptly opened, revealing Tyson.

As he walked through with a bag in his hand, he grinned at me.

"I brought you some clothes and books," Tyson says as he hands the bag to me.

"I've also informed your school that you're sick, so you're free to skip school for the rest of the week." Tyson informs me.

I give him a big smile and hug, showing my appreciation.

"I love you, thanks, Ty!" I exclaim.

He chuckles and gives me a hug in return.

"Yes, it's a one-time thing, so don't get used to it. You also have graduation the next week." He reminds me.

Shít I forgot about that.

"Forgot?" He questions rolling his eyes.

I look down at the bag in my hands and smile shyly.

"I'm heading back to work, stay safe." He says and kisses my forehead before leaving.

I sigh and reach for the two novels he'd brought me, both of which are among my favourites.

I set it on the table next to the bed and put my clean clothes in the bag to the side.

Angel emerged from the bathroom just as I was finishing up.

My gaze was drawn to him, he was dressed in a black fitted t-shirt and grey sweatpants, his hair damp and flowing over his forehead.

I bit my lower lip and averted my gaze from his god-like figure.

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