Chapter 14

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"Can I ask you something ?" I ask him.

"You just did." He says monotonously keeping his eyes on the road.

I give him a blank look and he rolls his eyes, as he waits patiently for me to speak.

I take a deep breath in and prepare myself for what I'm going to ask him.

"Do you actually kill people ?" I ask quietly.

I watch his eyes narrow slightly as he takes in my question.

"Do you want me to lie ?" He asks questionably.

I stay silent for a while before answering.

"No." I whisper out and shake my head.

"Yes." He says.

I stare at him in shock.

"Yes, what ?" I ask him.

"Yes, I kill people." He says emotionlessly.

I stay quiet as I mentally wrap my head around it.

He kills people.

But you knew that.

Not literally.

But his father is-

Shut up.

We stop at a red light and I keep my gaze mainly focused on the window beside me.

"Daisy." He calls my name.

I turn my head to him but keep my gaze casted down.

"Look at me." He demands softly.

I sigh and look up at him.

His eyes meet mine, he seemed to be searching for something in them before sighing and turning away rubbing his jaw.

"Don't be scared." He says monotonously.

I bite my lip and play with my hands.

"It's hard not to." I say softly.

"I won't hurt you, Daisy." He says taking my hand in his.

"I promise you, I would never." He says with a slight frown.

I look up into his eyes and found myself believing him.

"Okay." I say nodding my head

He stares at me for a little longer before pulling away and driving off.

The rest of the drive was quiet, but a peaceful quiet.

After a while, we had seemed to make it to a forest.

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