Chapter 1: Livin' The Dream

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An around 12-year old (Y/N) sat on the swing next to his home. Inside the house, his parents were speaking to the mother of one of his classmates about an event that had occurred earlier in the day.

The bus that was taking (Y/N) home from school had crashed into the river and was sinking fast. He couldn't let his classmates die. Even though they resented him for being different. And so, he pushed the bus back onto the street, for all those people to see.

"He was in the bus," The boy's mother was saying. "He saw what (Y/N) did."

"I know he did," (F/F/N) said. "I'm sure what you saw you thought was-"

"It was an act of God, (F/F/N). This was an act of providence."

(F/F/N) chuckled as (M/F/N) went in to speak with the boy and his mother. "Well, I think you're blowing it a little out of proportion-"

"No. I'm not. And this isn't the first time (Y/N) has done something like this."

(F/F/N) looked out the window to see that (Y/N) had left the swing. He proceeded to grab his jacket and head out front, to find his son sitting in the flatbed of his truck.

"I just wanted to help," the young (Y/N) said.

"I know you did, but we talked about this. Right? We talked about this, you have to keep this side of yourself a secret."

"What was I supposed to do? Just let them die?"

"Maybe." He paused as (Y/N) turned to look at him. "There's more at stake here than just our lives, (Y/N), or the lives of those around us. When the world finds out what you can do it's going to change everything. Our beliefs, our notions of what it means to be human. Everything." He sat down next to his son. "You saw how Pete's mom reacted, right? She was scared."

"Why?" (Y/N) asked.

"People are afraid of what they don't understand."

"Is she right?" (Y/N) asked, choking on his words. "Did God do this to me?" There was no response from his father. "Tell me!"

(F/F/N) instead led him into the garage next to the house, where a giant metal shape rested beneath a tarp. (Y/N) threw the tarp off to find a futuristic-looking spacecraft. It was small, no more than twelve feet long.

"We found you in this," (F/F/N) explained. "We were sure the government was going to show up at our doorstep. But, no one ever came."

(Y/N) placed his hand on the smooth metal of the craft, tracing his palm against it.

"I took part of it to a metallurgist at the state university," (F/F/N) said. "He said that whatever it was made of, it didn't even exist on the periodic table. It's another way of saying that it's not from this world, (Y/N). And neither are you."

(Y/N) stared at the craft, taking all of this in. He was never human after all. A monster.

"You're the answer, son. You're the answer to 'are we really alone in the universe?'"

"I don't want to be," (Y/N) said.

"And I don't blame you, son. It would be a huge burden for anyone to bear. But you're not just anyone, (Y/N), and I have to believe that you were sent here for a reason, all these changes that you're going through. And one day, you're gonna think of them as a blessing, and when that day comes, you're going to have to make a choice. A choice of whether to stand proud of the human race or not."

There were tears from the boy. "Can I just keep pretending I'm your son?"

"You are my son!" (F/F/N) said, pulling him into a hug. "But somewhere, out there, you have another father too, who gave you a different name. And he sent you here for a reason, (Y/N). And even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is."


(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes opened slowly as the memory faded from his mind. He collected his thoughts for a moment before sitting up in bed. It was early morning in the wilderness, birds singing, the leaves of the trees rustling.

Lying to his left, sound asleep, was his wife, Wanda Maximoff. Her long, ginger hair was splayed out across her pillow. (Y/N) smiled softly, then got up to start his day.

The cabin was small, secluded. A nice change of pace from the places they had lived before. The Avengers' compound, which was currently being rebuilt with the help of Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises. Wayne Manor. (M/F/N)'s house, briefly. It was a peaceful life for the two of them.

The kitchen and the living room were directly adjacent to one another, and in a small hallway off to the right was their bedroom and the bathroom. It was made entirely of dark oak wood. The scent still pleased (Y/N), even though the two of them had been living in it for a little over two months.

He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee, then sat down at the small table in the center of the room. There were two chairs, as they rarely had visitors. Bruce Wayne has visited once before, and that was it.

"Do you remember the time Steve made us pancakes for breakfast?" Wanda's voice came from behind him.

(Y/N) smiled at the memory. "If I recall, you nearly spilled the maple syrup... six times?"

Wanda chuckled before walking over and planting a kiss on his lips. "Good morning, my love."

"Good morning."

Wanda walked over to the kitchen cabinets to make herself some breakfast. "What's the plan for today?"

"I was thinking about visiting the team." She gave him a look. "I know, we're technically retired. But they're our friends. It would be rude not to."

"I'm just worried you'll go asking questions about them bringing you back," she said, sitting down across from him.

He gently grabbed her hand in his. "Wanda," he said, looking into her green eyes. "If they wanted me back for a reason, they would have told me by now. Besides, you are my world now."

Wanda's mind briefly flashed back.

"You are my world," (Y/N) was saying.

"And you," Wanda whispered, "Are my love."

They kissed one last time as the border closed around the house, with (Y/N) starting to disintegrate.


The remains of the house disintegrated. Wanda pulled her hood over her head, then used her powers to carve (Y/N)'s S into the ground.

Her mind reeled back to the present.

"Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked, seeing that she was spacing out.

"I'm fine," Wanda assured him.

But then she heard the scream of one of her children. Their children. The children she had with (Y/N) inside Westview, who she believed to be dead.

But she believed (Y/N) had been dead too.

Were they real? Or just a memory?

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