Chapter 2: Riddle Me This, Batman!

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"We have to find him, Master Bruce, before he hurts someone," Alfred said.

The two of them were hunting for a new villain who had decided to come and go on a crime spree in Gotham. Bruce had met him once before, when he was much, much younger. A teenager, really.

The man's name was Edward Nygma. He had worked in the GCPD forensics department before going insane and murdering three people, calling himself The Riddler. But that was ages ago. Bruce had handed him over to the GCPD 20 years ago, in his first days as Batman.

"I know, Alfred," Bruce said. "But it's impossible to find him until he leaves us another clue. You were there. You know how Nygma operates. He's a genius."

"Looks like you're about to get a chance," Alfred said, pointing out the window. The Bat-Signal had been lit.


Bruce leapt down in front of the Bat-Signal. Commissioner Gordon was waiting for him, as usual.

"The Riddler's left another clue for us," Jim said, handing Batman another green envelope.

Break a rule, I am your fate.

Didn't commit the crime, you'll just have to wait.

Batman considered the riddle for a moment.

"Do you know what it means?" Jim asked.

"I think the answer is prison."

"That's odd," Jim said. "Nygma's only known associate is Oswald Cobblepot, and he's-"

Bruce cut him off. "At the Raft prison."

"The Raft?" Jim asked, confused.

"It's a prison for super-powered individuals," Bruce explained. "After Bane destroyed part of Arkham Asylum, numerous individuals were transferred to either Blackgate or the Raft."

"Cobblepot went to the Raft?"


"So you think he's going there to break Penguin out?"

"Not just that," Bruce said, pondering his options. "If he's going there, he has much bigger plans."

Bruce pulled out his grapple gun and fired it, rushing across the rooftops to get back to the batcave. "Alfred. Prep the jet for transport."


"My associates will be in touch with you," Val was explaining to Nygma. "One of them used to be Captain America, so that's how you'll know it's him. He'll take you to the Raft."

Nygma had met the woman known as Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontane shortly after escaping during the blip. She had offered to help him assemble a team, to destroy the one man who always foiled everyone's plots: Batman.

"And you promise me that Oswald is in that place?" He asked.

"I have sources inside the Raft. They've seen him there."

"Then we have a deal, Val," Nygma said.

"Nygma, don't call me Val."

"Don't call me Nygma. I'm the Riddler."

Val hung up the phone. Nygma did the same.


Bruce returned to the Manor, removing his cowl once he was inside. His trusty butler, Alfred, was waiting for him.

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