Chapter 39: The Days of Future Past, Part Two

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(Y/N) descended out of the sky in Siberia, following Bruce in the Batwing. (Y/N) could see the HYDRA facility, and the general shape of the Kryptonian craft underneath.

Bruce brought the Batwing in for a landing, and jumped out of the cockpit. He drew his Kryptonite launcher, and entered the facility, (Y/N) following close behind.

The facility was like a maze. They decided it would be best to split up and find Zemo quicker that way - even though (Y/N) knew where Zemo was, he still went off on his own to

"I found him!" (Y/N) heard Bruce call. He ran over to stand next to him. Zemo was submerged in part of the Kryptonian ship, orange-tinted liquid surrounding him.

"I was wondering when you would come," He said, speaking to (Y/N).

"Give up, Zemo. You've lost."

"Have I?"

That was when (Y/N) looked at the writhing, gelatinous pod behind him.

"What is that?" Bruce asked, looking as well

"It is an ancient Kryptonian deformity, blood of my blood," He said, holding up his hand, which was bandaged. "Born to destroy you." he pointed to (Y/N). "Your Doomsday."

With Zemo's final words, the gelatinous pod was torn open, and a massive, green beast emerged.

Doomsday swung its fist at the two of them. Bruce quickly used his grappling hook to get out of the way, and (Y/N) tried to parry the punch unsuccessfully. His fists held Doomsday's own, as it pulled him in and struck him in the face, then jumped, caving in the roof of the ship and spilling snow all over the ground. Zemo was able to get out of the way, and (Y/N) flew up and out to confront Doomsday.

The creature landed right in front of where Bruce was trying to activate the Batwing, thinking it might be useful. It stared him dead in the eyes, and what Bruce saw scared him to his core.

Doomsday lunged at him, but it was knocked back.

There, in front of Bruce, protecting him, was Diana.

He jumped out of the Batwing to meet her, loading his Kryptonite launcher. Superman landed next to the two of them.

Diana drew her sword and shield. "This thing, this creature, it seems to feed on energy."

"This 'thing' is from another world," (Y/N) said. "My world."

"I've killed things from other worlds before," She said, then charged at the beast.

"Is she with you?" (Y/N) asked Bruce.

"I thought she was with you."

(Y/N) leapt at the creature while Diana hacked away at it with her sword. When (Y/N) was far enough away, Bruce fired one of his two remaining Kryptonite grenades at the beast, stunning it for a moment, but only making it angrier.

Diana jumped above the creature and was able to slice its hand off. (Y/N) shot a heat ray at its head, believing it was weakened enough to kill. It merely absorbed the blast and grew another hand, this time with a giant sword blade attached to it. Doomsday punched at Diana, who blocked the attack with her shield. She was knocked back a fair bit, but was relatively unharmed. She grabbed something from her hip. (Y/N) knew now it was her lasso, and she was using it to restrain the creature.

(Y/N) and Bruce knew what to do next.

(Y/N) flew back to the Batwing as Bruce fired his last Kryptonite grenade. Doomsday was stunned, leaving it open for attack. (Y/N) flew in brandishing the Kryptonite spear, plunging it into the thing's chest. It grabbed him with his hand, roaring in pain, then went to plunge its other hand, the one with the blade, into his heart. 'This is it,' he thought. 'Wanda, if you can hear me, I'll be back. I hope.'

(Y/N) looked over and saw Tony holding Steve's shield, flying in from wherever he had been.

(Y/N) raised his hand. Then he shook his head.

Doomsday's blade plunged into (Y/N)'s chest.

(Y/N) let out a cry as he felt the blade pierce his heart. But, determined, he thrust the spear further and further into Doomsday's chest.

Doomsday roared once more, and pulled the blade from (Y/N)'s chest, and (Y/N) was held in its grasp, screaming.

Doomsday roared once more, and pulled the blade from (Y/N)'s chest, and (Y/N) was held in its grasp, screaming

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