Chapter 11: The Trial of Peter Parker

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Ever since Wanda took (Y/N) into the multiverse, madness has arisen in this one. The being called Nightmare has taken villains from all across the multiverse and transported them to this world. And without Superman, these villains have become too strong for one man alone.

Doctor Strange and some of the other Avengers are attempting to put the villains back in their own timeline, while still trying to figure out both which one (Y/N) and Wanda's children are, and where (Y/N) himself is.
Peter just wanted to help. But he ended up getting more than he bargained for.
At first, he had been told not to help.

"This is too dangerous for you," Bruce had told him. "And I won't be there to save your ass like in Gotham. I'm going into the multiverse to find alternate versions of ourselves, and get them to help us. I may even run into Wanda. And she's too strong for you to take on alone."

"But I want to help!"

"You can help by staying alive."

Peter didn't even know who or what was out in the streets. All he knew was that they were not from this world.
He was in his Aunt's apartment, with his friends Ned and MJ. They both knew he was Spider-Man, and he had trusted them with the secret.

"It's what Mr. Stark would have wanted," Peter was saying.

"I think he would have wanted you to stay alive," MJ said. Ned nodded in agreement.

"But we don't know what's out there. If I could find Superman, and bring him back-"

"Face it, man," Ned said. "If what you're telling me is true, and I do believe you, then the multiverse is larger than any of us can believe. It's impossible to find Superman."

"You haven't even heard from Batman," MJ added. "Nobody knows where he went."

"He said he's bringing reinforcements. That's all Doctor Strange told me."

Peter's Aunt May suddenly walked into the room. "Peter, there's some cops outside looking for you."

As it turns out, that was an understatement. When Peter got to the door, he found an entire SWAT team inside the apartment.

"Peter Parker," one of them said, "I'm Detective Jake Peralta. You're under arrest for the attempted murders of Harvey Dent and Tony Stark."


Until the trial began, Peter would be held at the local precinct. May and his friends tried to get in and see him, but the guy guarding the interrogation room wouldn't let them in. The only person he would let in was a man with short, brown hair, wearing red sunglasses.

"I'm Matt Murdock," the man said. "I'm your lawyer. I just have a few questions for you."

Peter opened his hands in a 'go ahead' gesture.

"One small thing. I'm blind, so I can't see what you're up to."

"Sorry," Peter said. "Go ahead."

"Did you try to kill Harvey Dent?"


"What about Tony Stark?"

"Of course not! He's like a second father to me."

"I figured as much. Tell me about that night. What were you up to?"

"I was with a friend. A friend of a friend, actually. Bruce Wayne."

"Anybody else?"

"I told all of this to the detectives, when they were in here earlier."

"I know. I just want to hear it from you."

"Fine. (Y/N) (L/N) was there, along with Sam Wilson and Hal Jordan. Mr. Wayne's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, was in the building, but he wasn't with us."

"I checked, and they're all unable to testify, except for Mr. Jordan and Mr. Pennyworth. Now, tell me what happened next."

"Mr. Dent burst in, and he was holding a loaded gun."

"Do you know if he had any intention of firing it?"

"Yes. He wanted to kill Mr. Wayne."

"And then?"

"Mr. Dent was shot. In the right foot."

"When I spoke to the detectives earlier, they showed me the bullet. They said it came from an XM2010 Rifle, with some slight modifications. Those are reserved for the US military. How did you come about this weapon?"

"I didn't. There was a shooter, who came in through the window."

"There was no evidence of that when the cops searched Wayne Manor."

Peter struggled not to tell Matt about the batcave. "We were in a separate area."

"I see. And who was this shooter?"

"Floyd Lawton."

"Deadshot? He has been known to use military-grade weapons." There was a pause. "Listen. I believe everything you just said, except for the part about Harvey holding a gun. He and I are good friends. And I'm going to be honest with you, with no evidence that points in your favor, it doesn't look good."

With that, Matt left the interrogation room.


The trial commenced the following day. It went on for hours on end, with Peter fidgeting nervously in his seat the entire time, stammering whenever the plaintiff's lawyer asked him a question.

Hal and Alfred did their best, but it still didn't look good for Peter.

"You honor," the plaintiff lawyer said, "I would like to recommend that Mr. Parker here be transferred to the Arkham Home for the Emotionally Troubled immediately. No further questions."

"Sustained," the Judge said. "You may have a brief recess while the Jury makes their decision." He slammed his gavel. "Dismissed."

Peter and Matt walked outside of the courtroom. May, MJ, and Ned followed soon after. May have her nephew a hug, MJ doing the same a moment later.

"We're sorry we couldn't help," Ned said.

"It sucks that you might go to prison," MJ said. "We'll miss you."

"Or worse, I could go to Arkham," Peter said. "I've seen the crazies that are locked up in there. I couldn't last a day."

"I'm sure the Jury will understand that you're young," Matt said.

They went back into the courtroom once the recess was over
One of the Jury members spoke up. "We find the defendant guilty on all charges."

"Very well," the Judge said. "Peter Benjamin Parker, you are hereby sentenced to be transferred to the Arkham Home for the Emotionally Troubled immediately. You will spend six months in maximum security. After that, it's up to your doctors." He slammed the gavel. "Court Adjourned."

As Peter was dragged away by the cops that were present, he saw the plaintiff attorney flash green. Suddenly, Loki was standing there.

He said nothing. All he did was wink.

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