Chapter 3: A Legion of Horribles

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Val sat at the head of a long, elegant wooden table. At the other end sat Zemo, with Joker, Nygma, Cobblepot, Quinn, Lawton, Bane, Wilson, Fries, Walker, and Crane sitting in the seats between them.

Val called for a servant to bring her a drink. She took a sip before speaking any further.

"Thank you," She began, "For coming to this first meeting of the..." she paused. "Damn. Still have to think of a name. Masters of Evil?" She guessed, thinking out loud. "Lethal Legion? Legion of Horribles? I like that one. Anyway," She continued, "Thank you all for coming here today. I've called you because I have a plan. A plan that you will no doubt be interested in."

"What is this plan?" Bane asked.

"I'm glad you asked. Tell me, who ruins your plans every time you think you're going to be on top like one of the heroes?"

"Batman," Wilson said.

"Superman," Zemo said through gritted teeth.

"The Avengers," Walker said.

"Exactly," Val said. "The so-called 'heroes' have put you down every time, calling you insane. Well, not anymore. The Avengers will fall. Batman will die. And Superman will cease to be."

"How?" Nygma asked. "Batman's always survived. Superman's impossible to kill-"

"And that is where you are wrong," Val interrupted. "Superman can be killed." She pulled a staff out from below the table. It was pure metal, with a green rock on the top.

"That's Batman's Kryptonite spear," Zemo said.

"Two people have come close to killing Superman. The first, was Batman. With this. The second was a creature, a Kryptonite deformity, created by you." She pointed to Zemo. "I recently came into possession of information regarding a project involving that same creature by S.W.O.R.D. Project Metallo. Director Hayward was trying to remake the creature using cybernetic implants and Kryptonian tech. He nearly succeeded."

"And you think that you can kill Superman with a few pieces of metal?" The Joker asked, holding up a spoon and giggling.

Val pushed a button and the floor of the room began to descend into an underground room. Inside, right behind Val, was a massive creature made of flesh and metal. It was tall, dark green in skin color, and had black armor covering most of its arms, legs, torso, and half of its face. On the right arm was a massive machine gun, and on the left was a small hole that Val pushed the Kryptonite spear into.

"This is that project. After Hayward was taken to Blackgate, my men stole it, learning every aspect of its design. We perfected it."

"You've still failed to tell us what your master plan is." Cobblepot asked accusingly.

"It's simple. We release this thing in New York, luring Superman into a fight he cannot win. Riddler will go to Gotham and take the Mayor hostage while Penguin has his cronies from the mob take over the building. Mr. Wilson will go to Batman and kill him. The rest of you will cause as much chaos as possible. The Avengers will be spread thin. This is your time to shine, boys." She nodded at Quinn. "And girl."

"I will bathe in their fear," Crane said.

"We will be Gotham's reckoning!" Bane shouted.

"Get to work, boys," Val said.

The villains stood from the table, gathering their gear and whatever else they needed. Lawton pulled out his burner phone and dialed.


Bruce and Sam we're back at the batcave, considering their next move.

"Where would they be headed?" Sam asked.

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