Chapter 25: (Y/N) vs. Magneto

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(Y/N) walked over to Logan and Deadpool, who had finished getting ready for the coming fight.

"What do I need to know about Magneto?" He asked.

"If there's no metal around, we'll be just fine," Logan said.

"Wait. Isn't your skeleton made of metal?"

"My point exactly."

(Y/N) sighed before hearing his phone ring on a table nearby. He recognized the number and picked up.

"Bruce," (Y/N) said. "I was just about to call."

"You need to get to Gotham ASAP as possible. There's a man here controlling all the metal. I was able to distract him with my tank for a while but it won't take him long to get rid of that."

"Where are you?"

"Follow the screams." Bruce hung up.

(Y/N) turned to Logan and Deadpool. "That was my friend. He's found Magneto."


(Y/N), Logan, and Deadpool arrived in Gotham a few minutes later. They found Bruce and Magneto relatively easily.
Bruce was struggling to block attacks from Magneto, who was floating there with a hand raised as metal flew to hit Bruce. The tank Bruce had mentioned wasn't far away, heavily dented and flipped on its side.

"Time to make the chimichangas," Deadpool said as he drew a sword.

Logan popped his claws and rushed at Magneto. It would be a futile attempt as Magneto raised a hand, throwing him back.

Deadpool was the next to attack, dodging a flurry of debris being thrown with great agility. He drew a pistol and fired at Magneto, distracting him long enough for Bruce to hit him with a batarang, which clanged off his helmet.

Magneto then took control of Deadpool's sword, cutting him in half at the waist.

"I'm fine!" He assured the rest of the team. "'Tis but a flesh wound!"
"That doesn't look like a flesh wound," Logan said from the ground nearby, still pinned down by Magneto's powers.

"I was making a reference, you idiot."

Magneto ignored their bickering and directed the sword at Bruce, sending it flying at him. (Y/N) flew in front and knocked the sword to the side.

"You're strong," Magneto said. "Stronger than these three, at least. You'd make a fine ally."

"These guys are my friends. Sorry, buddy." (Y/N)'s eyes started to glow red.

"Aww," Deadpool said, still waiting for his legs to grow back. "You think of me as your friend?"

"SHUT UP WADE!" Logan shouted. "He's about to kick Magneto's ass!"

(Y/N) fired a heat ray, with Magneto quickly throwing pieces of metal in front of the beam to block it. Slowly but surely, (Y/N)'s heat ray pushed the metal shield back to the point where it was almost touching Magneto.

Magneto's shield disintegrated and he was thrown back. (Y/N) floated up above him.

He was about to fire a heat ray at Magneto when (Y/N) felt something in his mind stopping him.

"Erik," (Y/N) suddenly said, but the words weren't his. "I know your fear. Your anguish, your loss. Come back to us, Erik. We'll find a place for all Mutants in this world."

"Charles?" Erik asked.

"Turns out this Kryptonian wasn't as hard to control as I thought," (Y/N)/Charles said.

"Alright, old friend," Erik said. "I'll help you. But after we've found our place... No promises."

"None expe-" Charles was suddenly cut off from (Y/N). "Good lord, Charles, never do that again." He wasn't in his head anymore. "Charles?"


In the room that held Cerebro, Charles was suddenly lifted out of his chair by the neck. The helmet portion of Cerebro fell off.
"Fat lot of help you're going to be," Bizarro said to Charles. "After you're dead, that is."

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