Chapter 5: The Streets

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Once he and the others exited the building, Peter webbed Bane to the ground. He struggled against the webbing, but gave up soon enough. Kate emerged from the building across the street as police cars pulled up.

Commissioner Jim Gordon emerged from the lead car. "Nice work," He said to the Avengers.

"Get the Mayor out of harm's way," Sam instructed. "Take Bane, Nygma, and Cobblepot to Arkham. And make sure they won't get out again. I'm talking about maximum security."

"Understood," Gordon said. He pointed at Lawton. "What about him?"

"I think he's with us now," Sam said. "How many are still out in the streets?"

"Hard to say. The Joker's wrecking the downtown high-rises. Victor Fries is raiding the pharmacies. Jonathan Crane is attempting to break into Gotham General Hospital. Zemo and Walker are wreaking havoc uptown."

"Alright. I'm expecting reinforcements to arrive soon enough. In the meantime, take those three to the nearest precinct and watch them. The sticky stuff should wear off in about..." he glanced at Peter who flashed two fingers. "Two hours."

"We'll make sure of it, captain," Gordon said before returning to the mass of cop cars, where Bane, Nygma, and Cobblepot were being loaded into a SWAT van.

From between the police cars came Bucky on a motorcycle and Bruce in the batmobile.

"We took care of Wilson," Bucky said as Bruce opened the canopy of the batmobile, throwing Wilson on the ground.

"I'm going after the Joker," Bruce said, settling back into the batmobile.

"Wait," Diana said, stepping forward. "You're not alone in this anymore. We can help you. I know the Joker killed your son, but we can help you."

"She's right," Arthur said. "We care what happens to you."

"Okay," Bruce said. "Hey kid!" He called to Peter.


"Hop in."


"I'm sorry, what?" (Y/N) said, dumbfounded.

"Look, I know you're confused-" the woman tried to say.

"Oh, I'm confused, all right. You're wearing a suit exactly like mine, you flew here, and you just called me 'cuz.'"

"I can explain."

"Please do. Where have you been?"

"My name is Kara," she said. "Daughter of Zor-El. My uncle's name was Jor-El."

"That explains how you're my cousin."

"I was sent to Earth, same as you. We were intended to go together, but because of Zod's intervention you launched before I did. Your craft was also faster than mine. I came to Earth after you, and was raised by a human family."

"Where were you? Zod? Zemo? Thanos?"

"I was there. I saw those things happen. But I never learned who I truly was until I saw you for the first time."

As he prepared to fly, he could hear the voices of his fathers, Jor-El and (F/F/N), as though they were speaking to him from beyond the grave.

A few feet away from where he was crouched, looking up at the summit of the mountain, was Kara. She too heard Jor-El and (F/F/N).

"The symbol of the house of El means hope. Embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in the potential of every person to be a force for good. That's what you can bring them."

"You were sent here for a reason. And even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is. You're gonna have to make a choice."

"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will stumble, they will fall. They will join you in the sun, Kal."

"A choice of whether to stand proud in front of the human race or not."

"You will help them accomplish wonders."

"I'm so proud of you, son."

"All the hopes and dreams of Krypton live in you now. Your mother and I loved you."

"Your mother and I knew you would change the world."

"Love them, Kal. The way we loved you."

"I know it's been hard, (Y/N). You need to show them who you are."

"Fly, son. It's time."

(Y/N) rocketed off the mountain, flying into the sky, breaking the speed of sound. It was like his first time again. He flew up, up, up, until the world curved below him and the sun shined in front of him. He opened his arms, taking in the energy from the sun.

"It was at that moment that I learned who I was," Kara said. "I realized that you and I were the same. After that, I snuck into your fortress and learned everything I could from this." She held up a drive just like the one Jor-El had given (Y/N), that day so many years ago, just before Zod arrived.

Rhodey and Manhunter walked up to the two of them. Wanda and Strange emerged from a portal a moment later.

"Who's this?" Wanda asked.

"She's my cousin," (Y/N) said.

"Kara Zor-El," She said, shaking everyone's hand.

"And where have you been?" Rhodey asked.

"She knew she was different but not that she was like (Y/N)," Manhunter said. "As such she never knew she could use her powers in the same way." Everyone looked at him, stunned. "I'm a telepath. It's what I do."

"We have to help the Avengers," Strange said, opening a portal. "They're in Gotham, cleaning up the streets."

(Y/N) turned to Kara. "You ready for this?"

She glanced at the dead creature. "What do you think?"

"I think you'll make a fine Super-woman."

"No," Kara said. "Supergirl."


Zemo and Walker heard the sound of a motorcycle behind them. Before they could react, Bucky Barnes had swung his fist at both their jaws, stunning them long enough for Sam to drop out of the sky and knock them to the ground. Walker got up almost instantly and engaged in a fistfight with Bucky, while Zemo fired his pistol at Sam, who blocked the shots effortlessly with his shield.

"I once said to you that there had never been another Steve Rogers," Zemo said. "Well I stand corrected. You truly are some self-righteous patriot."

"Aw, thanks Zemo," Sam said before tossing the shield, knocking the gun out of Zemo's hands. "But I never took the serum."

"Why don't you try mine?" Came a voice behind Sam. Victor Fries was standing there, and he fired his freeze gun as Sam turned. He blocked the start of the ray with his shield, just in time for Bucky to come around and punch the gun out of Fries' hands.

Acting on his quick wits, Zemo mounted Bucky's motorcycle, escaping before Sam or Bucky could react.

"Well, looks like we've got ourselves in a familiar situation," Walker said as he faced Sam and Bucky.

"Only this time you haven't got the shield," Sam said before suddenly tossing it at Walker, hitting him in the gut and knocking him over.

"So that's what that feels like," Walker groaned.

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