Chapter 28: The True Knightmare, Part 2

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Bruce's Knightmare

Bruce and the others ran out of the house to find (Y/N) floating above the city, tearing it apart with his heat vision. Luckily, he either didn't notice them or thought they were civilians. Either way, they made it out of the city just fine.

Barry had taken some time to get as many civilians as he could out of the city, and they had found one person, on the run, who had a past with Bruce.

The Joker was in Budapest, on the run from the feds after Oswald Cobblepot revealed his location during his interrogation on the Raft. Harley Quinn had come along as well, but she had been impaled by a falling piece of debris.

Barry had gotten her out before the Joker, and she died in Bruce's arms.

Now, the group plus the Joker were making their way to the rendezvous point where they would meet the rest of the Avengers, as (Y/N) had destroyed Bruce's transport ship.

Every now and then, they would see something flying overhead, and dive behind anything they could. If (Y/N) was still in the area, it wouldn't end well for them.

"Clear!" Bruce shouted when the object had passed. The rest of the team emerged from their hiding spots.

"How much further?" Victor asked.

"We're close." The rendezvous was only about a half a dozen miles away.

"We can't stay out here too long. He'll come for us!"

"Let him come," Natasha said, driving her staff into the ground. "Let that bastard come. I'll stab him through his heart for what he did to Banner."

"Natasha," Bruce tried to console her, "I know how you feel now..."

"You have no idea."

"...But we have to stick to the plan."

She stared him dead in the eyes. "Who have you ever loved?"

The Joker, who was sitting on a car hood nearby, began to cackle.

"Au contraire, ('on the contrary') my little Russian doll. He knows exactly what it's like to lose someone. Someone like... a Father. Like a mother."

Bruce began to approach the Joker. "Be very careful about the next thing you say."

"Like an adopted son... Isn't that right, Batman? Maybe, in a way, that little old blonde is right, because how many dead eyes can you look into before you grow numb to death?"

"That's not very careful."

"How many people will die in your arms before you die inside yourself?"

"I've been dead inside a long time, but even I have a limit. And if you cross that line I swear to God I will-"

"You'll what, Bruce, kill me? You won't kill me." He smiled. "I'm your best friend. Besides, you need me. You. Need me. To help you undo this world you created by letting her die. Poor Wanda. But how she suffered so! I often wonder, in how many alternate timelines do you destroy the universe, because, quite frankly, you don't have the cojones to die yourself. Hm? So, as usual, I'll be the bigger man..."

The Joker performed a corny magic trick and pulled out his calling card.

"A truce, Bruce. As long as you have this card, a truce. But all you have to do is tear it in half and I'm happy to discuss any way you like why you sent a boy wonder to do a man's job."

"You know, it's funny," Bruce finally said, "That you would talk about people who died in my arms, because when I held Harley Auinn, and she was bleeding and dying, she begged me, with her last breath, that when I killed you - and make no mistake, I will kill you - that I'd do it slow. I'm going to honor that promise."

He took the card from the Joker's fingers.

"Maybe this will come in handy."

"Honor?" The Joker mused. "Really Bruce, honor? We live in a society, where honor is a distant memory. By the way, who do you think screamed the loudest? The girl? Or the boy?"

The Joker laughed at Bruce, taunting him over a broken promise.

Bruce turned away from his arch-nemesis, back to the rest of the team.

"Where are we holding up?" Rhodey asked.

"Someplace he'd never suspect."

"Still think it was a good idea bringing him along?"

"What do you think?"

The Joker was still cackling behind them.

A loud sonic boom sounded nearby.

"He's found us!" Victor yelled.

Another bang sounded as (Y/N) landed 20 feet away from them, eyes wide open and glowing red.

-Present Day-

-The Real World-

Charles pulled the helmet of Cerebro off and turned to face (Y/N), who was behind him.

"Is there more?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, but there's something coming. I can't see what it is, but it looks like it's not from this world. It's resisting my powers. All I can find is a name."

"Which is?"


"I heard that name once before. Back at my fortress. Galactus is the destroyer of worlds."

"He's close. I can feel him."

"Then we don't have long. I'll get the team ready, I need you to contact someone for me."


"Robert DuBois. He has a team of enhanced individuals who fought a massive intelligent being on the Corto Maltese."

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