Chapter 9: Chaos

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Harvey looked up as he heard someone enter his hospital room.

"Hello, Mr. Dent," Val said.

"What do you want from me?"

"From you? Nothing. For you? Everything." She walked over to where he was lying. "My name's Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontane."

"Why should I care?"

"I'm terribly sorry about what happened to your face. I gave Adrian a good scolding for-"

"Those were your men?"

"Yes. But the end of my plan had to elicit breaking a few laws. I'm sure you can understand."

"You criminals. You're all the same."

"And why is that?"

"You're insane. And insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results."

"You know who really is insane?" Val asked. "The Avengers."

Harvey's eyes lit up as she said it.

"My plan was to stop their insanity, the chaos they are harbingers of. That plan was ruined. But with your help, that can change."

"You were the one who broke those criminals out of the Raft. You built that - that thing that attacked New York. It destroyed Stark Tower."

"A tragedy. One I did not foresee. But we can fix all that. Together."

"You're evil."

"I'm necessary evil."

Harvey pulled out his coin. In the explosion, one side had been scratched and tarnished.

He showed heads. "I help you." He showed tails. "I arrest you here and now on charges of murder, trespassing, obstruction of justice - the list goes on and on."

Val smiled. "That's what I like to see."

Harvey flipped the coin into the air.

It landed on heads.

"Looks like we have a deal."


"Is it ready?" Zemo asked.

"We just need a few final touches," Beck said. "Then she'll be ready."

The cybernetic creature stood ten feet above the ground. The main chassis was built by Lexcorp. It's weapons were built from Chitauri technology supplied by Adrian Toomes. And a projector that created illusions was made by Quentin Beck. It's face was that of a metallic skull, with deep, piercing green eyes. Two grenade launchers were mounted on either of its shoulders, and could fire regular grenades or Kryptonite gas. And in its chest cavity was a massive chunk of Kryptonite, the alien tech it powered causing it to glow green.

"So rises our glorious creation," Luthor said. "Welcome to the world, Metallo."


The Avengers had all gone home. As far as they knew, the threat was over. All that remained was to apprehend Zemo and the others Peter met in the warehouse, along with finding the person who had orchestrated everything. Peter, (Y/N), Bruce, and Sam were the only ones left.

"So, who were these guys?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, I know Zemo," Peter said. "Then there was Adrian Toomes. Alias was The Vulture. I thought he was in prison."

"He's the guy that kept Chitauri tech from the government, right?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah. I don't know the other two."

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