Chapter 40: The Rest of Our Lives

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(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open.

Looking at his surroundings, he found he was in a large bed, enough for two people. The sheets were unraveled at one end.

Standing, he put on a shirt and stepped outside.

It was marvelous.

An elderly man was standing in one of the halls.

"It worked, kid," The man said, patting (Y/N) on the shoulder. "'Nuff said."

(Y/N) stepped away and into the hall. It worked?

He roamed around and realized he was in the Avengers' compound.

He saw Logan nearby.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Logan said, walking past and looking rather... formal?

(Y/N) continued towards a room he knew would have answers. He opened the door, and there was Charles.

"Ah, (Y/N)," Charles said. "What can I do for you?"

"I... I don't remember this."

Charles gasped lightly. "Welcome back."

"Did it work?"

Charles nodded. "It worked. Everyone is back. Including..."

"Dad!" Three voices came from outside.

(Y/N) was suddenly grabbed as the triplets all embraced him at once.

"Ooh," He said, starting to tear up. "Guys..." The tears were flowing now as he looked at Charles.

Charles smiled lightly, then mouthed, 'it worked.'

"Why don't you let me in on this?" Wanda's voice came from the door outside. She suddenly joined in on the group hug.

They all stood there for a moment, a mother, father, and three kids, all together again.

When all broke away, Wanda saw (Y/N) was crying.

What (Y/N) saw was his beautiful, emerald-eyed, brunette wife, alive and well, free of Darkseid's influence. It had worked.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah," (Y/N) said, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, everything's just fine."


The sun was setting, and the shadows lengthened. The sky was full of brilliant reds and yellows as the star began to dip below the horizon.

(Y/N) kneeled in the graveyard at Wayne Manor, looking at one stone in particular.

                                                                                 BRUCE WAYNE

                                                                                 BELOVED SON
                                                                             BELOVED FATHER


"Men are still good. We fight, we kill, we betray one another. But we can do better. We have to."

He died by Thanos' hand, which, according to Charles, had given (Y/N) the opportunity to stop the Mad Titan and save the world.

"I'm sorry, Bruce," (Y/N) said. "I'm sorry I didn't save you. You were a good friend. The best I ever had. Even though that friendship started with you trying to kill me, I wouldn't have traded it for anything."

He stood, and paid his final respects to the man.

Wanda walked up behind him. "You alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good."

She held out her hand to him. "Let's go home. This is the beginning of the rest of our lives."

(Y/N) looked out to the sun and grasped her hand in his. "Remember the day you fell?"

She nodded, smiling. "I do."

(Y/N) looked back at her. "I'm gonna take one last flight. Before the rest of our lives."

Wanda nodded. "I'll meet you back home."

(Y/N) stepped away from the graveyard, towards the horizon, as Wanda left him behind.

(start at 2:22)

He looked out to the sun, the words of his fathers echoing in his head.

"One day, you're gonna have to make a choice. A choice of whether to stand proud in front of the human race or not."

This was that day.

"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you. They will stumble. They will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal.

"In time, you will help them accomplish wonders."

This was that day

(Y/N) removed his jacket, revealing his red-and-blue suit, the cape fluttering in the low wind

(Y/N) looked to the sun, then closed his eyes, kneeling.

He felt the gravity of the world beneath his feet. He felt the light of the sun radiating off his skin.

He felt the joy of his friendship with Bruce.

He felt the love he had for his children.

For Wanda.

He felt his father and Jor-El looking down on him from above.

He rocketed off into the sky.

                                                                                        -THE END-

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                                                                                        -THE END-

A/N: Wow. Just wow. 

Monsters was my first story on Wattpad, and now to see my first version of (Y/N) have his story come to an end... Not gonna lie, it's a little emotional.

Together, the duology have accumulated over 110k, 3.6k votes, and 100 comments. I published the first 10 chapters and the prologue of Monsters on April 17th, 2021. If you had told me then that these two stories would be where they are now, I would have told you

1. Get out of my room

2. You're a psycho.

But, through it all, you guys have been the best. Both stories had something of a troubled production, and the final product looked nothing like what you're seeing here today. But I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

Thank you guys. Y'all are the best.

laser out.

Monsters II: The Age of Heroes (Wanda Maximoff x male Superman reader)Where stories live. Discover now