Chapter 27: The True Knightmare, Part 1

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(Y/N) and Bruce walked down the hall of the compound, searching for Charles.

They saw Connor and Laura a little ways away, deep in conversation.

"...And then, I kid you not, he turns himself into a pickle," Connor was saying. "Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life."

Laura chuckled. "That is pretty funny."

(Y/N) walked up to the two of them. "Do either of you know where the Professor is?"

"I saw him going towards your guys' old quarters," Laura said. "He's probably still around there."

(Y/N) nodded. "Thanks."


Bruce and (Y/N) caught up with Charles, who was in the rebuilt briefing room of the compound.

"This really is a nice place," He said. "Thanks again for letting us stay here, Mr. Wayne."

"It's my pleasure," Bruce said. "Look, the reason we came here is, we need your help."

"Ask away."

"Alright," (Y/N) said. "About four years ago, there was a man named Thanos. He used the six infinity stones to wipe out half of all life on Earth. During that time period, he also sent Bruce here into a coma, and he had these weird dreams. A couple of years before that, he was visited by a future version of our friend, Barry Allen."

"We think the two events are connected somehow," Bruce said. "We were wondering if you could somehow see into my mind and help us see the 'future memories,' as we call them."

Charles nodded. "I can do it. But I need Cerebro to complete the process."

"That's being shipped over here later today, right?" (Y/N) asked Bruce.

"I think so. Should be arriving in a half hour."

"Let's get started, then."


The room containing Cerebro arrived a short time later. Bruce was able to hook it up to the Compound's arc reactor, and, thankfully, it didn't explode, despite what the triplets and Laura might have thought.

Bruce was lying on a table in a room nearby, close enough where if something happened (Y/N) could be there in an instant. He was currently inside Cerebro with Charles, about to initiate the procedure.

"Are you ready, Bruce?" Charles asked through Cerebro.

"No," Bruce answered honestly. "But let's do it anyway."

Charles flicked a few switches on Cerebro, and then the panels inside began to change and display a green landscape that (Y/N) recognized as Wakanda.

Bruce's Knightmare

"I love y-"

Wanda was gone.

"No. NO!" (Y/N) shouted, his hands running through the dust that had once been his then-girlfriend.

(Y/N) felt a hand on his shoulder. "I know how you feel, young one."

The mind stone on Thanos' gauntlet began to glow, and (Y/N)'s eyes were forced shut. Thanos then teleported away.
Bruce then walked over. "(Y/N). I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

(Y/N) stood and turned.

His eyes snapped open, glowing red.

A heat ray came from his eyes, directed at Bruce. He was able to block the shot with one of his gauntlets, but only just.
(Y/N) deactivated the heat ray, then floated up and fired at the rest of the Avengers. Most of them were able to get out of the way of the blast, but Banner wasn't so lucky. The heat ray struck him, burning his torso.

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