Chapter 22: Family

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The triplets rushed up to Wanda and (Y/N), hugging them around the waist. Both (Y/N) and Wanda were stunned. Wanda, because she thought she would never see them again, (Y/N) because he had no idea what was happening.

(Y/N) looked over at Wanda, who had tears of joy in her eyes. He looked down at the 3 kids, then back at her, then over at Charles, who was a few feet away.

Charles was smiling slightly at the family. He placed his fingers on his temple.

And suddenly, (Y/N) remembered everything.

The day Wanda realized she would be having a child. The day the triplets were born. The chaos of having 3 children, yet the love that encompassed it. And, finally, (Y/N) remembered the moment Wanda believed she had to leave them behind. All these memories, forcing themselves to the front of his mind. Those 3 kids, in all of them.

They weren't just anybody's children. They were (Y/N)'s.

A single tear flew down his cheek.

He looked at Wanda. The two of them smiled at each other, then kissed.

"This is our family," (Y/N) said.

"Yes. Yes it is, my love."

The family turned to face Charles.

"(Y/N), Wanda," He began, "Your family is extraordinary. A Mutant and a Kryptonian, producing three children. It's marvelous. Tommy here is incredibly fast. Billy is telepathic and telekinetic, much like Jean. And Connor has increased strength and durability."

"So that's why we couldn't tell if he had powers back in Westview," (Y/N) said.

"Yes," Charles said. "They will make fantastic heroes." He pointed down the hall. "Your rooms are right next to each other. End of the hall. We'll start training in the morning."

Wanda, (Y/N), and the triplets walked past the X-Men down the hall. Logan followed them, explaining that his room was next to the triplet's so he could keep an eye on them while (Y/N) and Wanda were in another universe.

When they got to the door, Wanda started to leave.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) asked.

"I just need to go talk to Charles about something. I'll be right back." She walked away, and Logan came out of his room.

"So. Krypton, eh?" He said.

"I don't remember it."

"Yeah. I don't remember much of my old life, either."

"You had an old life?"

"I'm 150 years old."

"That raises more questions than it answers."

"Healing factor. Patches me up faster than I can rip myself apart."

"Is that why you smoke the cigars?"


The triplets came out of their room. "Dad, can we go with Uncle Logan?" Billy asked.

"Uncle Logan?" (Y/N) repeated.

"It wasn't my idea," Logan said defensively.

"Where to?" (Y/N) asked.

"Motorcycle ride," Tommy said. "It's like, really cool."

"Yeah," Connor said. "He takes us one at a time, though. And only around the block."

"That sounds safe enough," (Y/N) said. "You guys done this before?"

"Tons of times."

"Well, I see no scratches on you. And Logan here seems like a nice enough guy."

"Oh, trust me," Logan said. "I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice."

(Y/N) slightly raised an eyebrow. "Ok... Have fun kids!"

"Thanks Dad! Bye Dad!" The triplets said in unison, then left with Logan.

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