Chapter 16: Alternate Arkham

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Bruce 2 and Peter 3 were inside of the tumbler, Bruce (Keaton) and Peter (Holland) were inside of the former's batmobile, and Bruce (Affleck) and Peter (Garfield) were in the third batmobile. Loki and Strange were seated in Bruce (Bale) s aircraft, named "The Bat."

It took Strange a moment, but he was able to conjure a portal to Bruce (Bale)'s Earth, and when he did the four Bat-vehicles rolled through.

When they rolled through, Bruce (Affleck) found himself in an alternate version of his hometown, Gotham City. It was larger than his version, the buildings were much taller. Above the street sat a monorail that led straight to Wayne Tower.
In the dark, no one would notice the four black stealth vehicles rolling through the streets. Bruce (Bale)'s tumbler lead them to the outskirts of the city, to a familiar building: Arkham Asylum.

"After I busted Dr. Crane, this place was shut down," Bruce (Bale) explained as they all  exited their respective vehicles. "All of the inmates were transferred to Blackgate under the Dent Act. All except for one."

The heroes crept their way through the narrow halls of the Asylum. Beds were turned over, odd substances dripped from the walls. Bruce (Bale) led them through the multiple cell blocks, until they came to one of the cells in the maximum security wing.

"There's a reason there are no guards here," Bruce (Bale) said. "Because there's no way a regular thief could get in here. The lock is special, and the only key was thrown away. But I'm not like most people."

He sliced the lock of the cell off with his gauntlet, then swung the door open.

There was only one light in the cell, the rest of it was dark. The eight heroes slowly walked in, finding nothing. No one.

"So nobody's here," Loki said. "What a waste of time."

A figure suddenly jumped from the shadows, grabbing the first person he could, who happened to be Peter (Maguire) The man had a shank in his right hand, and he held it up next to Peter (Maguire)'s mouth.

"Do you wanna know," The man started, "How I got these scars?"

Bruce (Affleck) pulled Peter (Maguire) away from the man, who stepped into the dim light.

His hair was dyed green, unruly and oily. His face was covered in white paint, which was poorly applied and peeling off around the edge of his face. On either side of his mouth were two scars that curved upward in a sick, twisted smile.

Bruce (Bale)'s version of the Joker.

"We need your help, Joker," Bruce (Bale) said.

"I always knew you would come back to me," the Joker said. "This city needs people like us." He also looked at the two other versions of Bruce, slightly confused. "Did I miss something, or did you multiply?"

"Have you seen this woman?" Bruce (Affleck) asked, handing Joker (Ledger) a photo of Wanda.

"Pretty girl," Joker (Ledger) said. "I think I've seen her around this place. She came here a couple of nights ago. She didn't notice me, and neither did that guy she was dragging with her."

"Describe the man," Peter (Holland) said.

"I never got a good look at him," Joker (Ledger) said, "But I know he had (H/C) hair. And, by the looks of it when he passed my cell, (E/C) eyes. Good looking guy, is he a friend of yours?"

"You could say that," Peter (Garfield) said.

"Well, he was there."

"Where did they go?" Bruce (Keaton) asked.

"I don't know."

Bruce (Bale) suddenly grabbed Joker (Ledger) and threw him against the wall, causing Joker (Ledger) to laugh uncontrollably.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" Bruce (Bale) shouted.

"I won't tell you," Joker (Ledger) said. "Because I know you'll never break your one rule."

"I won't," Bruce (Bale) said. "But he will." He pointed at Loki, who conjured a knife, pointing it at Joker (Ledger).

"You're going to tell me where they are," Loki said.

"And why would I tell you instead of him?"

Loki suddenly grabbed Joker (Ledger)'s hand and cut it with the knife.

Joker (Ledger) looked at his now-bleeding hand, and cackled. "I'll tell you, alright, you feisty black-haired Brit! They were heading North. To the edge of the city. Wayne Manor, I think."

"Wayne Manor," Strange said. "Is it in the same place as our version?"

"A little to the East," Bruce (Bale) said.

Strange conjured a portal to Wayne Manor, and the eight heroes walked through, leaving Joker 2 to his madness.


The eight heroes appeared in front of this world's version of Wayne Manor. It was larger than Bruce (Affleck)'s version, by a wide margin.

They could hear noises inside, though it was hard to identify what. The eight heroes walked into Wayne Manor cautiously, tip-toeing up the steps.

On the second floor, they found Wanda, levitating and flipping through the Darkhold. She didn't immediately notice them, fortunately.

And next to her, (Y/N) was lying, unconscious.

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