Chapter 37: Darkness Rises

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(Y/N)'s eyes opened where he had been standing before being transported away. All around him he saw nothing but desert. In the center, a large Ω carved into the lines of the sand. Darkseid's symbol.

He looked around and saw that Sam, Bruce, Diana, Arthur, and Victor were also standing and gathering their surroundings. Barry was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Barry?" (Y/N) asked.

"I don't know," Bruce said. "He was right here when it happened."

"That lying piece of-" (Y/N) began, but then suddenly realized. "Wanda."


When (Y/N) descended on what was once the compound, he saw no one outside of the building. He guessed they were either all dead, or all trapped inside.

He dropped to the ground and was instantly struck with a piece of the compound. He turned and saw Erik, throwing pieces of metal at him.

He then registered that Steppenwolf was behind him, and he dodged the Apokoliptian's attack before turning back to Erik.

Erik and Steppenwolf were here. Where were Loki and Darkseid?

He would be answered as a punch struck him in the back. It was Darkseid, looming over him like a tower.

"I wondered if you had survived," Darkseid said, walking over as (Y/N) stood. "But it means nothing. You can't stop my plans now."

(Y/N) suddenly tasted copper in his mouth. He spit, and a red drop of blood came out.

"You had the power to defeat my brother. And for that I applaud you," Darkseid continued. "All I wanted from your planet was Anti-Life. The ultimate power in the universe. Found. Isn't that worth the cost of a single world?"

(Y/N) spat again. The blood was still coming. "You'll never stop at one." He stood to his full height, registering the locations of Steppenwolf and Erik. "And I'll take you all on!"

He flew at Darkseid, punching the being in the stomach and catching him off-guard. He then turned to Steppenwolf, blocking an attack from his axe and ripping it out of Steppenwolf's hands. He then repeatedly hit Steppenwolf with the axe, damaging his armor but not much else. He then turned to Erik and chucked the axe at him, which the mutant barely dodged.

Darkseid had recovered, and was waiting for the prime opportunity to use his omega beams. But (Y/N) was too fast.

He was a black blur, striking all three of his opponents with blinding speed. He wouldn't let them take Wanda. Not now. Not ever.

That was when he suddenly heard footsteps in the compound. They were light, but he knew who it was. Loki.

He fired a heat ray at Erik, throwing the mutant down, before hitting Steppenwolf with a right hook and sending him flying. He then fired another heat ray at Darkseid, which the giant merely raised a hand and blocked the attack.

But that was all (Y/N) needed. He flew towards the footsteps, and came across nothing.

"Wanda?" He called out.

He began to step through the burning halls of the compound. He had to find her. He knew he couldn't bear it if he lost her. If he lost his children...

He heard a sound. It was quiet, but he knew for certain. Someone was crying.

(Y/N) walked towards the source of the noise, and saw something shocking.

Wanda was on her knees, weeping over his dead body. Only it wasn't him, because he was standing right there.

"Wanda?" He asked again.

She refused to look up. That was when (Y/N) registered Loki standing in a corner of the room. A second later, (Y/N) saw Bizarro's cell. And everything registered.

Loki was using his magic to make Bizarro's corpse look like (Y/N). But why?

He was answered as Darkseid came into the room, his eyes blazing redder than ever before. He placed a hand on Wanda's shoulder as she looked up.

Loki appeared to be looking at something in the distance. (Y/N) turned, and saw the bodies of his three children, all three of them dead.

On their bodies were red-orange running lines.

The Anti-Life Equation was written inside of his children. And now Darkseid was using it to control the strongest being on Earth. Wanda.

She looked up at (Y/N), her eyes blazing red in a spitting image of Darkseid's own.

"No," (Y/N) breathed out.

That was when a red blast of energy threw him up and out of the compound.

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