Chapter 13: Three is Company

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Peter looked at his counterpart, dumbfounded. "Another universe?"

"It's complicated," the other Peter said. "Basically, your friend Doctor Strange brought me in to help with these guys.

I've met a couple of them before, but some of them are new to me."

They both glanced at the Rhino, who was still on the ground. Peter 2 helped Peter 1 up.

"I think he's down for the count," Peter (Garfield) said. "Let's leave him for the authorities."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Peter (Holland) said.

They both turned to look as Doctor Strange floated down between them.

"I see you two have met," Strange said. "There's still some people out there, though. Hunting you two. We'll need
reinforcements. Loki is trying to get in contact with Bruce as we speak. In the meantime, there's a safe house not far from here."

"You're not coming?" Peter (Holland) asked.

"I have bigger things to deal with," Strange said. "I've nearly found (Y/N). There's a good chance he's in the same world as his children, and I've nearly found the telepath who told Wanda they were alive."

"Do we know who that telepath is?" Peter (Garfield) asked.

"No. But he'll have to be powerful. Very powerful. He'll be a useful ally, or a powerful adversary." He conjured a piece of paper and handed it to Peter (Holland) "That's the address of the safe house."

Peter (Garfield) glanced at the paper Peter (Holland) was holding and nodded. "Let's go."

Strange opened a portal and the 2 Peters swung towards the address.


The address was in the country outside of New York City, so the two Peters had to walk the rest of the way.

"So what's it like?" Peter (Holland) asked. "In your world?"

"My world? It's a lot like this one, except I'm the only good guy around. And somehow, bad guys always seem to turn up."

"I know that feeling. I just had the most wild car chase, before you arrived."

"I know how those feel," Peter (Garfield) said, remembering when he busted the guy who would become Rhino.

"And, even after all the good I did, Mr. Stark still got hurt."

"Is he your mentor?"


"I know what it's like to lose people," Peter (Garfield) said. "I was too late to save my Uncle. My friend Harry turned against me. And Gwen..." he trailed off. "But it's good to know that there are other heroes here. Sometimes, I just feel so alone in my world. I'm the only super-guy out there."

"Occasionally, I consider going back to the lone-vigilante type thing. When there's so many people with abilities stronger than your own, it's hard to be recognized. I still like hanging out with them, though."

"Your friends seem nice. Strange is a cool guy. I keep hearing about a 'Bruce' and a '(Y/N).' What're they like?"

"They're both awesome. Bruce has a lot of the same skills as me, so we go on missions a lot together. And (Y/N)'s a literal god, it's so hard for him not to be cool." There was a pause. "But there's one thing I never told him."

"You can tell me," Peter (Garfield) said after a beat. "I'm sure I'll understand."

"Uncle Ben died in Metropolis. I assume you heard about what happened there?"

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