Chapter 7: Lies and Vengeance

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Wanda was on bed rest for the next few days on Sam and Bruce's orders, so (Y/N) would have to wait to ask her about what Bruce and Peter had said.

He walked into the main station of the batcave, where Sam and Bruce were trying to plan their next move. The rest of the team were down below, near the batmobile and the batwing.

"Any news on Zemo?" (Y/N) asked.

"Not yet," Bruce said. "He could be anywhere by now."

"Half a dozen criminals and the one that got away happens to be the one who nearly tore us apart," Sam said.

"We'll find him," (Y/N) said. "I know we will."

"Even if we do, then what? Whoever planned all this is still out there. They could be readying more forces as we speak."

"If they are, we'll be ready," (Y/N) said.

Diana walked into the room. "Any updates on the prisoner transfers?"

"They've all made it to Arkham," Bruce said. "Their gear's being transferred to the Wayne Enterprises/Stark Industries project back at the old compound. Alfred's going to pick that stuff up and bring it here for safekeeping. All of the baddies are in maximum security. Bane's in double maximum security."

"Double maximum?" Sam asked.

"They locked him in the panic room and threw out the key."


"We need more," (Y/N) said. "More team members. More heroes. Whatever this person is planning, we can't take it alone."

Diana smiled. "They said the age of heroes would never come again."

"It will," (Y/N) said. "It has to."

As if on cue, a noise sounded at the entrance to the batcave. (Y/N) floated towards the entrance, being followed closely by Bruce and Sam.

Inside the entrance was a man in a green and black suit. He had tight-fitting goggles on his head and a symbol on his chest, what looked like a lantern inside a circle. A single ring adorned his right hand, with the same symbol, glowing a neon green.

"My name is Hal Jordan," He said. "I'm with the Green Lantern Corps."


On Stryker's Island, Val and Zemo walked among the scarred surface, some of the flames still burning.

"I never counted on there being another like him," Zemo said.

"Neither did I. But it suits our plan nicely." She reached down and pulled the Kryptonite spear out of the creature's corpse. "We'll be able to kill them both."

"How? Without the help of those criminals-"

"Merely pieces in a game Superman has yet to start playing," Val said. "We'll use them when the time is right. They'll lure him into our grasp. We'll kill him and the girl, and then nothing will stand in the way of your vengeance against the Avengers, Zemo."

"I understand."


Inside Arkham Asylum, Slade Wilson sat in his dark cell quietly. While some people, namely the Joker, had been making a ruckus, Wilson had been calm the entire time. He knew who was coming.

And then his cell door opened. Inside the doorway stood Batman. But, of course, Wilson knew better than to call him that.

"Why come here, Bruce?"

"Because I want to know who sent you. Who are you working for? Who told you who I am?"

"Does it matter? You know why I went after you. If it wasn't for Barnes I would have killed you."


"You know."

"I regret what I did, Slade-"

"Regret isn't enough. You killed my wife."

"If I could have done anything about it, I would have."

"You could have saved her!" He was shouting now.

"Who are you working for?" Bruce asked again. "Tell me. And I'll give you anything you want."

"You know what I want."

The cell door closed and Bruce left.


When Bruce arrived back at the batcave, he was met by Sam.

"You get anything from Wilson?" He asked.

"No. Did you get anything from Lawton?"

"He left right before I went to ask him."

The man called Hal walked up to the two of them. "I'm assuming you're Bruce?"

"I am. And who are you?"

"I told you, I'm Hal Jordan and I'm with the Green Lantern Corps."

"I mean, what's your deal? Why are you here?"

"I was told of the chaos here on Earth by a man named Quill and a man named Thor. They told me their story. And of a great evil I once fought. I believe this evil is coming back to Earth, and I need to be here. To protect Earth from Him."

Bruce patted his shoulder. "We're always glad to have someone new on board."


(Y/N) walked to where Wanda was resting. The fear toxin had taken its toll, and she would be out of commission for the next few days.

"Hey, honey," she said when she saw him walk in. "How's the manhunt?"

"Lawton ran. There's a new guy with a magic ring."

"So just another day in the life for us?"

(Y/N) chuckled. "Yeah. Pretty much." There was a moment of silence. "Listen... earlier, when we were out catching the Joker, Bruce said something to me. He said... he said that you did these things, these horrible things, while I was dead... that you... took an entire town hostage, that you created a fake version of me, that you had three kids. And that you lied to me about it."

"Bruce is crazy-"

"Don't lie to me."

There was a pause. "He's right. I did that, but only because I love you. And I couldn't bear to be without you. I wanted to start a family, like we wanted. So I did."

"What about everyone else?"

"I didn't know what I was doing."

"That's not what Bruce said."

"I only found out after it had been done."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me about this, Wanda!"

"I did it to protect you-"

"No! No you didn't! You did it because you thought I wouldn't approve. You think I wouldn't have accepted it if I knew we had children."

Wanda just nodded. (Y/N) sighed and stormed out the door.


When (Y/N) came back into the main room of the batcave, Bruce was there to speak to him.

"I heard yelling," Bruce said.

"You were right," (Y/N) said.

Bruce just gave (Y/N) a hug, patting his back twice before returning to the other heroes.


"So what's the next step of your master plan?" Zemo asked.

Val held up three photos. "These guys will help us. Adrian Toomes, Quentin Beck, and Lex Luthor. Their tech combined will create the ultimate weapon. But this man..." She held up another photo. "He's Gotham's DA. If we can sway him to our side, he will end the Avengers for good."

"What's his name?"

"Harvey Dent."

Monsters II: The Age of Heroes (Wanda Maximoff x male Superman reader)Where stories live. Discover now