Chapter 4: The New Avengers

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Sam, Tony, Diana, Arthur, Victor, Barry, Peter, and Kate appeared in Gotham, right below the tower which housed the Mayor's office. Tony tapped the device on his chest twice, causing his nanotechnology suit to form around his body. Diana drew her sword, Victor formed a blaster-arm, and Kate loaded an arrow.

"Alright," Sam said. "Nygma's on the tenth floor, which means you'll have to fight through ten floors of bad guys. Tony, Victor and I will fly up to the roof and fight our way down. Hopefully, if we time it right, we'll hit Nygma at the same time. Barry, once we get inside, you'll have to free Mayor James from Nygma before he can shoot."

"Understood," Barry said.

"Peter, I want you to web up Nygma and Cobblepot, plus any other big bads. We need them alive."

"You got it!" Peter said, giving a thumbs-up.

"And Kate, get to the top of that building and take out any henchmen you see about to take one of us out. You'll be our sniper."

Kate nodded.

"Oh man," Peter said. "This is reminding me so much of-"

"Die Hard?" Barry finished.

"You know Die Hard?"

"Of course I know Die Hard. Who doesn't know Die Hard?"

"Yippee-ki-yay!" They said in unison. "Die Hard!"

"Please, if you say Die Hard one more time, I'm kicking you off this mission," Tony said.

"Let's move out!" Sam said. He, Tony, and Victor flew up the side of the building while Kate rushed to the building across the street, climbing up the fire escape. The rest of the team rushed into the first floor of the tower.


Bucky suddenly spotted someone heading up the driveway to Wayne Manor. "Is that him?" He asked Bruce, who was standing a little ways away.

"That's him alright," Bruce said, firing his grappling hook and lowering himself down in front of Wilson.

"Bruce Wayne!" Wilson said. Bruce could tell he was smiling under the mask. "Remember me?"

He threw a punch, hitting Bruce straight in the jaw, which caused him to stumble back.

"I never stopped thinking about what you did to me, Batman," Wilson said, drawing a sword. "But now, justice is served." He raised the sword above his head.

As Wilson brought the sword down, Bucky stepped in, grabbing the blade in his metal arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He clenched his metal fist, shattering the sword blade. With his other arm he punched Wilson in the gut, then hit him with his metal arm square in the face. Wilson fell over, knocked out cold.

"Thank you," Bruce said. "Tie him up. Call the people at Arkham."


Wanda, Strange, and (Y/N) landed in the middle of New York, near the old Stark Tower. With his X-Ray vision (Y/N) could see the monster inside the Stark Tower.

"Is there anybody still inside?" (Y/N) asked.

"Not that I can see," Wanda said. "As far as I can tell everybody in there is gone."

(Y/N) leapt into the building without another word, his red cape flowing out behind him.

"(Y/N)!" Wanda shouted, floating up after him. Strange floated closely after her, but the two of them would be stopped short as the tower began to collapse. From out of the top of the structure came (Y/N), punching the monster into the sky. The monster roared as he punched, swinging the Kryptonite spear wildly and firing its machine gun to no avail. (Y/N) continued to punch it into the sky as Star Tower crumbled to the ground. Wanda and Strange were able to keep the rubble from hitting themselves, but only just.

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