Chapter 18: Hope

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At the New York Sanctum, (Y/N), Strange, Loki, the Bruces, and the Peters were waiting. For a sign. For Wanda's plan to take action.

(Y/N) wished he remembered his children. He really did. But Wanda had never given him those memories, and in some ways he resented her for it. But he also realized why she did it. And he wanted to forgive her, to go back to their old life. Maybe even with their children by their side. But until Nightmare was killed, that would have to wait.

Peter (Maguire) put some boxes on a wood table near the heroes. "Pizza time."

The other heroes ignored his attempt to cheer them up and grabbed some of the pizza.

But their pizza party would be interrupted as a loud sound came from outside. Then another, louder this time. (Y/N) could hear people yelling, screaming.

Grabbing his black-and-silver suit and putting it on, he rushed outside.

What he saw was terrifying.

In the sky above, a second Earth was speeding towards this one, with chunks of it falling to our world. Waves of energy travelled through the air and sky, indicating that Wanda's plan had begun.

(Y/N) stood in the center of the street, ready to do something. But he was interrupted, by a voice in his head.

"Not just yet, (Y/N)," The voice in his head said. It sounded... British?


The voice chuckled. "No. I am not God."

"Then who are you?"

"Who I am is not yet relevant. All you need to know is I was the one who told Wanda your children were still alive, in my world."

"Thanks a lot," (Y/N) said sarcastically.

"I'm also the one who impeded her abilities during your last fight. But I'm not strong enough to do anything about her bringing our universes together. But you, (Y/N), you can do something."

"How?" (Y/N) asked. "I'm nowhere near strong enough to push an entire planet away."

"Is that what Jor-El said?" The voice suddenly switched to Jor-El. "You've grown stronger here than I ever could have imagined." The voice switched back. "You are strong enough. Your father knew that. I know it. You know it."



Memories were suddenly pushed to the front of (Y/N)'s mind by the telepath.

"The symbol of the house of El means hope. Embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in every person to be a force for good."

"All the hopes and dreams of Krypton live in you now."

"Be their hero, (Y/N). Be their monument."

"It's about our experiences and the choices we make. That's what makes us human."

"They said the age of heroes would never come again."

"I know it's been hard, (Y/N). But you gave hope to their world."

"Hope," (Y/N) said. "And Wanda?"

The voice returned to normal. "Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, doesn't mean they are lost forever. She will join you, (Y/N)."

The voice changed to Jor-El again. "You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. That's what you can bring them. They will stumble. They will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders."

(Y/N) nodded. "Hope."

He turned his head as he heard Kara fly up next to him. "Who were you talking to?"

"A friend," (Y/N) said. "Listen. I need you to push Earth away from that." He pointed to the falling sky.


"The same way the house of El did everything. With hope."

Kara nodded. (Y/N) shot off into the sky.


(Y/N) looked at the other Earth as he sped towards it. The voice's words echoed in his head as he collided with the surface, straining with all his might to save both worlds.

His heart pumped faster than it ever had before. His muscles were about to tear his suit apart.

He screamed as he pushed as hard as he possibly could.

"Hope." The voice came to him again.

(Y/N) could feel the other Earth above him beginning to move back. With one last push, (Y/N) forced the alternate Earth back into its own universe.

And then everything went black.

Monsters II: The Age of Heroes (Wanda Maximoff x male Superman reader)Where stories live. Discover now