Chapter 35: Unity

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The carrier touched down some time later, and the strike team had been dropped outside of the fortress while Bruce flew the transport and took out the main defense, a red, protective dome.

Once he had shot it down, he landed the craft and shot out in the batmobile while Steppenwolf's Parademons fired at him from multiple directions.

The plan was simple. Bruce would go in and draw off the Parademons on the outside of the fortress while Victor plugged into the Unity as Barry built an electric charge with his speed outside to kick-start him. Diana, Arthur, and Sam would go after Steppenwolf, along with Loki and Magneto, if they presented themselves.

Inside the fortress, Arthur, Sam, and Victor located Steppenwolf and the Unity.

Steppenwolf turned when he heard them, raising his axe in preparation.

Arthur waved his fingers. "Remember me?"

Steppenwolf growled.

Arthur slammed his trident into the ground as Steppenwolf charged, sending the Apokoliptian flying back as Victor fired laser blasts at him.

When Steppenwolf recovered and leapt back up onto the platform, he saw Diana along with them.

"Shall we?" the Amazon asked.

"I watched your island burn," Steppenwolf said. "Your sisters, begging for their lives."

Diana shook her head. "Liar."

Arthur turned to Victor. "Round two?"

Victor formed a blaster-arm. "Hell yeah."

Diana leapt over Steppenwolf's head, her blade clashing with his axe as Sam chucked his shield at him. Arthur attacked Steppenwolf as Sam's shield returned to him, swinging his trident wildly. The distraction allowed Victor to plug into the Unity. All that was left was for Barry to charge him so that the Unity could be split.

When Sam threw his shield, it rammed back into him like a truck. Only one man could have the strength to throw metal that hard.

Erik descended from above, and Loki jumped up from below.

"Uh, a little help?" Sam asked, and Arthur joined in the fight, attacking Erik as the mutant wildly threw pieces of metal at him and Sam.


"I see Bruce trained you well."

Connor turned to see his father standing behind him.

"He knows his stuff," Connor said, placing the sword he had been practicing with on the ground.

The two of them were outside the compound, waiting for news on the situation involving Steppenwolf and the Boxes.

(Y/N) motioned for his son to follow, then the two of them walked into the compound.

They came inside the armory, where (Y/N) opened up a tall wardrobe, which revealed a new batsuit in Connor's size.

"I had Bruce draw it up for you," (Y/N) explained. "He's not going to be doing this forever, and he chose you to succeed him when he retires."

"Dad..." Connor began. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything," (Y/N) said.

"I know you're training me and my brothers to be great heroes and leaders... but what if I'm not? What if I can't be... what you want me to be?"

"The greatest heroes don't make a choice to lead," (Y/N) said. "They are called to it." He pointed to the symbol upon his chest. "I didn't want to accept this at first. Who I was... but when the time came, I accepted the call. One day, that call is going to come for you. And if that time comes, and your answer is still no... You'll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be."

"What's that?"

(Y/N) placed a hand on Connor's shoulder. "My son."

(Y/N) suddenly heard something in his ear. It was quiet and far, so far that it could only be one thing.

"I have to go," (Y/N) told his son. "They need my help."


Back at the reactor, Bruce was still handling the Parademons outside of the fortress. Inside, however, it was a different story.

Sam, Arthur, and Diana tried desperately to hound Magneto, Loki, and Steppenwolf away from Victor. Despite Magneto's powers of metal manipulation, he was too distracted by his attackers to do anything about Victor plugging into the Unity.

Suddenly, Steppenwolf broke away from the fight, leaping up onto the ledge where Victor was standing, waiting for Barry to deliver the charge.

Steppenwolf raised his axe. "For Darkseid."

But when his axe came down, it didn't strike Victor's body.

It struck a black-suited Kryptonian.

"Not impressed," (Y/N) said, knocking the axe from off his shoulder and throwing Steppenwolf back.

The second they saw him, Loki and Magneto turned on (Y/N), Loki projecting illusions of himself and Magneto throwing pieces of metal at the hero.

But what he didn't see was that outside, Barry had been shot by one of the few remaining Parademons. He wasn't dead, at least not yet.

"Barry," Bruce called over the comm. "Barry, are you alright?"

Barry inhaled suddenly. "I got the wind knocked out of me, I need a few seconds, that's all!"

As (Y/N) was turning to face the three villains before him, a pale blue light began to shine from the other side of the fortress. He turned to face it, and saw a pale blue orb.

A portal.

The portal opened and from inside, he could see the grey-skinned and red eyed figure of Darkseid, ready for attack.

(Y/N) turned to Victor.

"It's too late," Victor said as the boxes went dark.

A blinding white light came from the Unity, engulfing (Y/N)'s vision.

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