Chapter 26: New Team, Meet Old Team

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"Charles was cut off from you?" Erik asked (Y/N).

"Yeah, I think so."

"Then he's in trouble." He released his grip on Logan. "Get there as fast as you can. We'll be there soon."

(Y/N) nodded, then rocketed off towards the X-Mansion.


Wanda and the X-Men arrived in the sub-level beneath the Mansion to find Bizarro attempting to make his way out with Charles draped over his shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere," Wanda said, red orbs forming in her palms.

"Oh, I don't think so," Bizarro said, setting Charles' unconscious body on the floor. "You are all beneath me. I'm just waiting for a challenge."

Scott suddenly pressed a button on the side of his visor, causing a red energy beam to come out of it and fly straight at Bizarro. It did nothing to faze the mad Kryptonian, he merely walked forward.

Nightcrawler teleported behind Bizarro, grabbing Charles before teleporting back upstairs. Bizarro didn't notice this, fortunately. He kept his focus on Scott, who was still firing the energy beam. Jean's hand moved forward as she used her powers to throw any objects she could at Bizarro.

Still, he kept moving forward.

Wanda began shooting beams of energy at Bizarro, attempting to restrain him in any way she could.

"Peter!" She shouted at the speedster. "Get to Hank's lab! There's a blue-green rock there. Get it, and come back!"

"On it!" He sped away in the blink of an eye.

"You can't stop me," Bizarro cackled. "No one can!"

Wanda's eyes suddenly widened. "(Y/N)!"

Bizarro was confused at first, but quickly realized... "He's behind me, isn't he?"

"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" (Y/N)'s voice came from behind his doppelgänger. Wanda, Scott, and Jean all ceased their attacks so as not to hit (Y/N).

Bizarro whirled around to face him. "I happen to like our hairstyle, thank you very much."

"You know, I once had a fantasy about meeting myself, but this is not what I had in mind."

(Y/N) threw a punch at Bizarro, which was met by Bizarro's own fist. The collision sent a shockwave through the mansion, a low rumble sounding through it's foundation.

(Y/N) uppercutted Bizarro, sending him through the sub-level's ceiling and onto the first floor of the Mansion. Bizarro fired a heat ray as (Y/N) flew up the hole Bizarro had created, missing his doppelgänger entirely.

Bizarro then tackled (Y/N), sending the two of them smashing through a wall. Kids ran, screaming.

(Y/N) flew at Bizarro, pulling his fist back and hitting him with a right hook. Bizarro grabbed (Y/N)'s arm as it flew across his face, then spun around and smashed it against his shoulder.

(Y/N) stumbled back, seeing that Bizarro had broken his arm.

"You're weak," Bizarro said. "You can't defeat me, your moral code prevents it. And I've learned that the only sensible way to live in this world is without rules."

"Oh, I know I can't defeat you," (Y/N) said. "I'm just stalling."

With his one good arm, (Y/N) grabbed Bizarro by the throat and flew up through the mansion. When they were well above the roof, (Y/N) let go and pummeled Bizarro back to the ground.

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