Chapter 21: The X Factor

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So, this guy," Wanda said. "He was talking to you in your mind, like I can?"

"Right," (Y/N) replied. They were in a car, driving to the address that the telepath had given (Y/N).

"He was British?"

"I'm beginning to wonder why I said that."

"And he said there were others waiting."

"Yeah. I don't know who, but he said they wanted to meet us."

"Hopefully they don't want to kill us."

"That's a cheerful thought. We're here," (Y/N) said, turning to the address.

It was a large house, a mansion really. There was a small fountain in the center of a roundabout that led to the entrance of the mansion. (Y/N) parked the car just outside.
Wanda stepped out, and offered (Y/N) her hand. He accepted, and the two of them walked up to the doors of the mansion.

Slowly, (Y/N) reached up and knocked on the door.

A moment later, it was opened by a man in a silver wheelchair. He was bald, and pale-skinned, with a serene look on his face.

"Ah," the man began. "(Y/N). Wanda. We've been expecting you."

"Who is 'we?'" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh! How rude of me," the man stated, then offered his hand for a shake. (Y/N) leaned down and accepted. "I'm the telepath you spoke to. Charles Xavier. It's a pleasure."

He opened the door wide and motioned for the couple to come inside.

Inside the mansion, they found a large number of people ranging from young children to teenagers, making their way through the different rooms strewn about.

"This is a school," Charles explained. "For young mutants. But it's also the base of operations for my team."

"Your team?" (Y/N) asked.

"The X-Men."

"It's nice here," Wanda said as Charles led them through the various halls. "Quiet. Peaceful."

Charles stopped on the second floor in front of a group of adults and young-adults. "This is them," Charles said.

There was a man with excessively large sideburns smoking a cigar, another with a red visor over his eyes, a third man with blue skin and a pointy tail, a fourth man with blue fur, a woman with short white hair, another blonde-haired woman, and, finally, a woman with ginger hair.

"That's Logan," Charles said, pointing to the man with the cigar.

"Hey, bub," He said.


"Hey," The man with the red visor said.


"Nightcrawler," he corrected Charles.


"Hello," Said the man with the fur.


The woman with white hair just waved.


"Hi," Said the blonde woman.

"And Jean."

"How's it going?" The ginger woman asked.

"And there was one more..." Charles trailed off. "Not exactly one of us. He's a bit of an arsehole, really-"
He was cut off as a comically loud gasp came from behind (Y/N) and Wanda.

They turned around to see a man with a red-and-black suit holding his hands up in surprise.

They turned around to see a man with a red-and-black suit holding his hands up in surprise

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"Wow," He said, running up to (Y/N) and shaking his hand. "I am so honored to finally be meeting you, Superman. I mean, I know you're not Clark Kent, but hey! This is a reader insert, what did I expect?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Sorry. I'm Wade. But you can call me Deadpool." He pointed at Wanda. "Wow! You're hot!"

"That's my wife you're talking to."

"Ooh. Sorry. Huge turn-off. My bad. You won't have to deal with me much longer, though. This is probably just a cameo, the author likes my movies but doesn't want to constantly have to repair the 4th wall."


Deadpool looked up at the ceiling. "Oh wow! Hi Mr. Author!"


"Oh, wow." Deadpool turned to (Y/N), Wanda and the X-Men. "Looks like my cameo's over. Mr. Author is for sure going to use Darkseid to write me out in part 10. Please put #savedeadpool in the comments right here if you want to see me again."

He began to walk away, then turned to Wanda. "Later, beautiful!"

Wanda flipped Deadpool off as he walked away.

"He is the worst man I have ever met," (Y/N) said.

"Because he hit on me?" Wanda asked.

"Not only that. But what the hell just happened?"

"You get used to it," Logan said. "There's nothing that can shut that man up." He stuck his hand out for (Y/N) and Wanda to shake. "Name's Logan. But you knew that already."

"(Y/N) (L/N). This is my wife, Wanda Maximoff."

"Maximoff? Perhaps related to-"

A guy with silver hair and a silver jacket sped over at lightning-fast speed. He was about to take a bite out of a Twinkie, but paused when he saw Wanda and (Y/N). "Oh, God."

"Ralph Bohner?" Wanda asked.

"The evil witch lady was controlling me," He said really fast. "Sorry. Real name's Peter."

"Yeah, don't sweat it," (Y/N) said, confused. "Is there anything else I need to know before things get normal?"

"Well..." Charles started.

He was cut off as three 10-year old boys rushed at (Y/N) and Wanda. "Mom! Dad!"

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