Chapter 19: Wanda Finds Her Way

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Wanda strained, and strained, but, ultimately, the second Earth was thrown back into it's universe.

What had gone wrong?

She thought of her friends. She thought of her children. But, most of all, she thought of (Y/N). How he had fought so hard to stop her. He claimed it was from a place of love.

She remembered her first time meeting Nightmare. Was he really manipulating her? The memory of their first meeting was fuzzy.

Then Wanda remembered. He had shown her something. Something horrible. What was it called?

"The Anti-Life Equation," Wanda whispered to herself.

Nightmare had used the Anti-Life Equation to mind-control her. That was the only explanation.

The question was, what would the other Avengers think of her if or when she returned? What about (Y/N)?
No matter what they ended up thinking of her, Wanda knew they would need her to fight Nightmare.


In a cold, dark corner of the universe, a being stood before a large piece of metal. The metal had been infused with magic and allowed him to communicate with people on other planets.

The being was male, with long, wispy black hair and cold, green eyes. His skin was a pale white, and his clothes were almost completely black. Nightmare.

The metal began to reform, until a tall, hooded figure was formed.

"Nightmare," the figure said. "Have you finished the conquest?"

"Not yet, DeSaad."

"Then why do you summon me?"

"I bring news," Nightmare explained. "Before mighty Darkseid came to the throne, he searched the universe for the ultimate power: the Anti-Life Equation. The key to controlling all life and all free will throughout the multiverse. He found it, hidden on a primitive planet, but before he could-"

DeSaad cut him off. "The Story of the Defiance is well known."

"I have found the primitive planet! The world that fought back! It is Earth. The Anti-Life Equation is carved into the surface of this very world."

DeSaad gasped. "Are you certain?"

"I have seen it," Nightmare said. "I have looked, with my own eyes, on Anti-Life."

DeSaad closed his eyes, and began to chant. Within moments, he had disappeared and the metal had returned to normal.

Nightmare looked around, confused. Seeing that the small group of Parademons he had brought were lowering their weapons and kneeling, he looked back at the metal.

First, a symbol emerged from the metal. Then, it began to reshape into the tall, dark, menacing figure of Darkseid.

 Then, it began to reshape into the tall, dark, menacing figure of Darkseid

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As Darkseid emerged from the metal, Nightmare took a step back, stunned. After a moment, he kneeled. "My lord."

Darkseid grimaced. "Nightmare."

"My lord, I am but your humble servant."

"Can it be true that you have found it?"

"Yes, my lord."

Darkseid thought for a moment. "Finish the conquest. Then, when this world is scorched, I will come for my great prize."

"You will come to Earth?"

"I have turned one hundred thousand worlds to dust looking for Anti-Life, looking for this world. I will bask in the glow of Anti-Life, and all of existence shall be mine."

"It shall be so, my lord."


(Y/N) found himself in an unfamiliar environment.

He stood, but only just. It was dark, and the buildings around him were in ruin.

That's when he heard someone behind him.

He whirled around to see five figures.

On the left was Loki and a person he had never met, who was wearing gold colored armor and carrying an axe that had what looked like orange bolts of electricity surrounding it's blade. On the right was Wanda and a man with a red cape and an odd-looking helmet, which was also a dark red.

And in the center was Darkseid.

(Y/N) took a step back. Darkseid took a step forward, and red laser beams came out of Darkseid's eyes, gunning straight fo (Y/N), and-

(Y/N)'s eyes snapped open.

"Oh, thank god you're awake," Wanda said as she kneeled next to him. (Y/N) sat up and saw the other heroes around him.

"You're back?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'm back," Wanda said.

She pulled him into her arms and kissed him.

"I want you to know that I forgive you," (Y/N) said.

"I forgive you too," Wanda said.

"I hate to break up this moment," Strange said, stepping towards the couple. "But, Wanda, you need to take us to Nightmare."

"Right," Wanda said. "And one more thing."

"What?" (Y/N) asked.

"I think he's working for Darkseid."

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