Chapter 30: So This is the Famous Suicide Sqaud

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The rest of DuBois' team exited the bus. There was Cleo Cazo, the second Ratcatcher, Nanaue, a descendant of an ancient shark god, and...

"Hey guys!" Harley Quinn said as she stepped off the bus. She looked up at Galactus a few miles away. "He don't look very happy."

Nanaue pointed at (Y/N). "Friend?"

"No," DuBois said sternly. "That man is not your friend."

"Aw." His eyes lit up. "Nom nom?"

"...You know what, maybe later."

"Did you just tell that talking shark to eat me?" (Y/N) asked.

"That doesn't matter right now. What's the situation?"

"That guy," (Y/N) said, pointing at Galactus, "Has made a deal with one of our guys. Basically, we got to survive in a fight against him."

"And you called me, why?"

"You and your squad have experience with giant monsters."

DuBois shrugged and pulled out a few of his guns, sticking them together and reshaping them into some sort of explosive launcher. "You could say that."

He moved forward with the rest of his team, (Y/N) floating above them with the rest of the heroes following suit.

The next half hour was a blur of attacks, defenses, and lots of running away from Galactus' huge feet. For the first few minutes (Y/N) and the other heroes weren't even sure what exactly DuBois' team was doing. Cleo had some sort of magic flashlight that made rats climb all over Galactus' legs, which distracted him a little. Nanaue had leapt onto one of his arms and was biting down on it, hard. He probably thought Galactus was food. Harley was stabbing at him repeatedly with a javelin. Deadpool tried to convince her to use a gun or one of his words, but she claimed the javelin had 'sentimental value,' whatever that meant.

After a little while, (Y/N) and the others began to see a pattern in Galactus' attacks. The information from the archives helped (Y/N) know that Galactus wasn't using the full range of his powers, probably because he didn't need them. Or so he thought.

(Y/N) rocketed up into the sky and shot straight at Galactus, pulling a fist back and smacking him across the face. The blow was large enough and strong enough that, thanks to him being distracted by the rats crawling around his legs, Galactus stumbled.

"Stop!" Galactus commanded. It was only then that (Y/N) realized that a whole half hour had passed. "You have shown great strength today. I will leave your world in search of a lesser one."

"All in a day's work," DuBois said half to himself, before disassembling his gun.

Galactus leapt back into his ship, which flew away not long after.

Nanaue pointed at (Y/N) again. "Nom nom?"

DuBois glanced at (Y/N), then back at Nanaue. "Go ahead."

(Y/N) flew over and held a hand up between himself and Nanaue. "I'm gonna stop you right there."

Nanaue but (Y/N)'s hand, hard. He quickly recoiled before spitting a tooth out. "Too hard!" He complained.

Deadpool walked over. "You know what?" He drew a sword and cut off his own arm, before handing it to Nanaue. "Here."

Nanaue gladly accepted Deadpool's gift and began to snack on it quite loudly.

"Whatever," Deadpool said. "It'll grow back anyway."


"My lord," DeSaad said, bowing before his master. "The armada has nearly reached Earth."

"Good," Darkseid said, turning to face DeSaad. "And what of Steppenwolf?"

"The Mother Box calls to him still."

"Very well. Send him to retrieve them and synchronize the Unity. Once it is synchronized I will come for my great prize."

"It shall be so, lord Darkseid."


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