Chapter 15: The Plan

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Back at the New York Sanctum, Strange, Loki, The Spider-Men, and the Bat-men we're reviewing the events that had transpired prior to Wanda taking (Y/N) into the multiverse, so as to form a plan of attack.

"Let's start at the beginning," Bruce (Affleck) said. "Thanos kills half of the universe. He controlled (Y/N) with the mind stone and used him to attack us."

"Did he kill anyone?" Peter (Garfield) asked.

"Just a girl called Harley Quinn. He hurt Banner pretty bad, though."

"Then Thanos released him. Do we know why?" Bruce (Keaton) asked.

"It's because Thanos destroyed the infinity stones," Loki reminded him.

"So then five years passed," Peter (Maguire) said. "And then you guys came up with a time travel plot, and it worked?"

"Yes," Peter (Holland) said. "I was resurrected, along with Wanda."

"And then (Y/N) used the infinity stones, which in turn caused him to die," Bruce (Bale) said.

"Wanda creates the anomaly out of grief, takes it down a while later, that same day we resurrected the real (Y/N)," Strange said.

"And he never had any memory of the anomaly?" Bruce (Keaton) asked.

"Correct," Peter (Maguire) said.

"So then what happened?" Peter (Garfield) asked.

"They lived together for a while. Then, I told him about the anomaly when we were out catching some escaped inmates," Bruce (Affleck) said.

"And he confronted her about it," Peter (Holland) said.

"Right. So, she goes and makes a portal into the multiverse," Bruce (Affleck) said. "And here we are."

"What does she look like?" Bruce (Bale) asked.


"What does she look like?"

"Uh, she's about five-foot-seven, brown hair, green eyes, wears a lot of red," Bruce (Affleck) said.

"I think I saw her," Bruce (Bale) said. "In my world. Before you arrived."

"Where is she?" Strange asked, standing.

"I don't know. But I know who might."

"All right," Peter (Holland) said. "Glad to see we're getting somewhere."

"What's the plan?" Peter (Maguire) asked.

"Plan is, we distract her long enough to free (Y/N)," Bruce (Keaton) recommended. "Right?"

"She's stronger than any of us," Loki spoke up. "Even (Y/N). The objective of the fight will be to survive, not to win."

"So we stop her," Bruce (Bale) said. "And then we go after the bigger threat."

"Nightmare..." They all said in unison.

"I think this is going to work, guys," Peter (Garfield) said.

"I hope so," Bruce (Affleck) said. "I hope so."

"I'll get the tumbler ready," Bruce (Bale) said.

"I'll go with you," Bruce (Keaton) said. "We'll need my car too."

"Three cars, six guys," Peter (Holland) said. "Sounds good."

"Sorry to interrupt," Loki said, "But what about me and Strange?"

"You two can take the Bat," Bruce (Bale) said.

"The Bat? What's the Bat?"

"You'll see."

Monsters II: The Age of Heroes (Wanda Maximoff x male Superman reader)Where stories live. Discover now