Chapter 23: A Chat With Charles

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Wanda walked up to Charles, who spun around to face her as she arrived.

"I heard you coming," he said.

"I just want to know how," she said.

"How what?"

"How did my children end up with you, of all people? Is it pure luck? Or was it deliberate?"

"That's a long story," Charles said. "But, I suppose we have the time."

"So, the false world I made. Start there."

"It was a tear in the fabric of the universe. A tear that Peter fell through, where he became your Ralph. Tommy, Billy, and Connor were created in that tear. When it was destroyed, they were taken back through the tear into our universe, along with Peter. Still trusting him, they followed Peter back to my institute, where I took them in and taught them, assigning Logan as their protector until you returned."

"What about (Y/N)?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"(Y/N) was in that tear or whatever too. What happened to him?"

Charles sighed. "That version of him came along too. But it was some twisted, perverted version. I believe that when he was severed from your connection, he went insane."

"Is he still here?"

"Yes. He's in the basement, where Hank runs tests and experiments. The others call him Bizzaro."

"How did you subdue him?"

"Your husband has resistance to some forms of magic, but I was still able to control him until Hank developed a way to lock him up. There's a rock, in your world, that weakens (Y/N), isn't there?"

"Kryptonite, yes."

"Well, a variant of that Kryptonite came through the tear as well."

Wanda recalled when (Y/N) - or Bizarro, as this version was now called - found a piece of Kryptonite and inhaled it. "You used that to depower him?"

"Yes. It made him weak enough where Hank could forge restraints."

"I want to see Bizarro."

"May I ask why?"

"He's my creation. You said his connection to me made him sane, if I could remake that connection he would be restored. And then-"

"We would have two (Y/N)'s. A powerful force against whatever may come."

"This Kryptonite variant, would it harm my (Y/N)?"

"I am doubtful. It seems to behave the same way as Bizarro, as far as its connection to you goes. It is as twisted as he is."
"Two versions of my husband. Against whatever may come."

"You think something is coming?"

Wanda shook her head. "Not something. Someone."


(Y/N) and Logan sat on a bench outside, sipping beers as the triplets played basketball with some other kids from the school.

"So," (Y/N) started, "Do you have any children? I mean. You have to, you're 150."

"One," Logan said, pointing to a girl who was on the basketball court. "That's my daughter. Her name's Laura. I met her shortly after we were both transported to this universe."

"How old is she?"

"She's 11. Friends with your boy, Connor." He chuckled. "She once told me she was his girlfriend."

"They're 10 and 11."

"Yeah. But you know. Kids."

(Y/N) laughed. "Cheers, I'll drink to that, bro." He tapped Logan's bottle with his own and took a sip.

"So, any friends in this world? Or just you and Wanda?"

"Well, there's a lot. We have our own team."

"What're they called?"

"Well, it was The Avengers for a while. But most of the original members are dead or retired. Then it was the Justice League. But I'm not even sure where they stand after what Wanda pulled."

"So, it's complicated."

"Yeah. It's complicated."

"What about the bad guys?"

"There's too many to count."

Logan laughed. "I know that feeling."

"My friend Bruce has too many guys to count. I have no clue how he deals with all of them. And he's not even like you or me."

"He's a dark knight. Connor told me. He wants to be like him. Your buddy Bruce."

"He'll get his chance," (Y/N) said, looking back at his children. Connor scored, earning him high-fives from his brothers and Logan's daughter.


Wanda entered the mansion's basement with haste, coming into a small lab that was set up next to a massive jet. Hank was down there.

"Wanda," He started. "Welcome, please, take a look-"

"I want to see him. Bizarro."

Hank nodded, walking over to a large metal box. He placed his handprint on the front, and two doors swung open.
Inside was a person restrained by slick, silver metal that was coated with a blue substance that Wanda could only assume was the variant of Kryptonite.

The person was without a doubt (Y/N). But his skin was shaded purple, and his hair was messy, no longer it's natural (H/C) color. His eyes were completely glossed over white, but he wasn't blind. He looked straight up as he noticed Wanda.

"Goodbye, darling," Bizarro said. "Come to push me into another false world?"

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