Chapter 14: Levelling the Playing Field

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The three Spider-Men jumped out of the portal and landed on the empty street, with Doctor Strange following close behind. The streets had been evacuated. Now, it was just the four heroes up against the six villains.

Until Doctor Strange had to leave again.

"Bruce will be here," He assured the three Peters. "He'll help you fight them. But you have to deactivate that bomb first." He opened a portal. "Go!"

And just like that, there were only 3 heroes left.

"So now they have us two to one," Peter (Maguire) said.

"I like those odds," Peter (Garfield) said.

"I'll take Vulture and Mysterio," Peter (Holland) said.

"I'll take Electro and Rhino," Peter (Garfield) said.

"That leaves me with Ock and Goblin," Peter (Maguire) said before slipping on his mask. The other two Peters did so as well.

All three of them shot their webs onto the roofs of the buildings, making their way to Stark Tower.

As they got closer, a bomb exploded near Peter (Holland) and Peter (Garfield), causing them to lose their balance and fall, only to be grabbed by Vulture. Peter (Maguire) glanced back at them before looking up to see Goblin flying straight towards him, the blades on his hovercraft extending. Peter (Maguire) pulled himself up out of Goblin's path, only to be met by a lightning bolt from Electro.

Peter (Garfield) meanwhile, was helping himself and Peter (Holland) free themselves from Vulture. Peter (Holland) successfully webbed one of the thrusters on his wings, causing Vulture to stall momentarily. At this point, Peter (Holland) and Peter (Garfield) were able to free themselves from his grip. Peter (Holland) rushed after him while Peter (Garfield) rushed up to where Peter (Maguire) was dealing with Goblin and Electro. Peter (Garfield) tried to web Electro away, but electricity travelled up the web and shocked him.

"Not again," Peter (Garfield) groaned as Electro zapped him.

At this point in the fight Mysterio and Rhino were rushing into the battle. Rhino rammed into the wall that Peter (Maguire) was standing on, causing him to fall and giving Goblin an opening to grab him, which he did, carrying him for a while before throwing him into the arms of Doc Ock, who had left the bomb to help with the fight.

Mysterio's drones fired at Peter (Holland) who was still dodging attacks from Vulture. Peter (Holland) successfully webbed a drone and catapulted it at Vulture, hitting him dead in the chest.

Peter (Garfield) jumped down and faced Rhino. Hearing Electro drop down behind him, he jumped out of the way as Rhino charged at him, who missed his target and hit Electro instead.

Peter (Maguire) webbed Ock in the eye, who suddenly dropped him. Goblin threw a bomb, but Peter (Maguire) successfully deflected it back at Goblin, knocking him down for a moment.

Through all this fighting, the Spider-Men were forced closer together, until the three of them were in a circle made of the six villains.

"Any ideas?" Peter (Holland) asked.

"Not at the moment, no," Peter (Maguire) said.

(Start at 1:41)

Suddenly, the lights on the entire street went out, putting the block in darkness. The only source of light now was Electro's glowing body.

Whooshing sounds came from around the circle of villains. They turned away from the 3 Spider-Men to face it.

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