Chapter 34: Mother Boxes

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Steppenwolf had descended upon Atlantis before the day was over. Loki was nowhere to be seen as he attacked the stronghold containing the Atlantean Mother Box.

By the time Arthur arrived, it was too late.

All the warriors guarding the stronghold - and Commander Mera - were dead.


"What are we doing out here?" Loki asked the armored giant standing next to him.

"Lord Darkseid requests the presence of another individual." After retrieving the Mother Box from Atlantis, Steppenwolf teleported himself and Loki to this remote part of Germany.

"And who might that be?"

"His name is Erik Lehnsherr. But he goes by-" Steppenwolf was cut off as a chunk of metal came flying at him. He parried it away with his axe. "Magneto."

Erik stepped forward. He had his red armor, but no helmet. Charles Xavier had probably confiscated it.

"What do you want with me?" He asked.

"My master knows of your struggle. Going from one universe to another is hard, especially for someone like you. Someone with a family you left behind. He offers an escape."

"I'm listening."

"Serve him, and he will bring them to this world for you."

Erik wanted to see his wife and daughter again. Desperately. But the wizard had told him there was no way to do that without breaking the multiverse again.

"So the wizard was lying after all," Erik said.

"This wizard you speak of..." Steppenwolf began. "Where is he?"


Bruce and Sam had arrived at Strange's Sanctum, along with Kate, Barry, Victor, and Manhunter. Strange greeted them, then asked why they were there.

"The Mother Box," Bruce explained. "The one you used to bring Superman back from the dead. We believe there is someone coming for it."

Strange nodded. "I've felt a dark presence looming over the world. It's possible they're on their way right now."

As he said it, a blue cylinder appeared in the center of the Sanctum. Three figures appeared from inside. Steppenwolf, Loki, and Erik.

Steppenwolf growled at the sight of the team, then motioned for Erik to attack.

He started by wrapping Barry's legs in metal plating, preventing him from running. He then waved his hand at Victor, brushing the cyborg aside and holding him down. With his other hand, he deflected a batarang Bruce had thrown. He did not, however, notice Sam, with his shield drawn, flying towards him. However, Steppenwolf did.

The Apokoliptian struck him back with his axe, Sam just barely blocking the attack with his shield.

Steppenwolf engaged the other Avengers present, Loki coming in a moment later to fight. The two of them were able to hold their own and push the heroes back, while Erik held Barry and Victor.

Strange had disappeared when the fight began, but now, somehow, one of his orange portals had opened in the floor below Steppenwolf, sending him tumbling down into another room. Coincidentally, he knew this was the room that contained the Mother Box.

Strange was there, guarding the box.

"Don't take another step," Strange warned. "You've just been brought face-to-face with the master of the mystic arts."

Loki suddenly appeared behind Strange and kicked the Mother Box away from where it sat. Strange tried to conjure something to grab it, but Steppenwolf was fast enough to throw him to the ground.

Steppenwolf kneeled and picked up the Mother Box, Loki and Erik flanking him.

"So begins the end."


Steppenwolf, Loki, and Erik reappeared at Steppenwolf's stronghold at Chernobyl. Steppenwolf placed the third Mother Box into the metal frame, and the three boxes began to come together until they were one singular shape, swirling around inside one another.

"What happens now?" Erik asked.

"Now he will come to us," Steppenwolf said.


Bruce, Sam, and the others were still recovering from the fight when Bruce called the transport to their location. Diana and Arthur were on board it as well, Arthur coming up from Atlantis for the first time in months.

"Stick to the plan," Bruce told them. "That's why I brought you together."

"I'm not sure what we'll be heading into," Sam said. "But, thanks to Strange, we know where the Unity is going to be synchronized. Hopefully we can get there before that happens."

The team boarded the transport, Bruce turning back to Strange.

"You're not coming with us?" Bruce asked. "He'll be here, I know it."

"How can you be so sure?" Strange asked, the way he said you implying he knew something Bruce didn't.

Bruce stepped onto the carrier. "Faith, Stephen! Faith!"

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