Chapter 17: Superman Returns

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As soon as he saw Wanda, Peter (Garfield) shot a web straight at her face.

"Wait!" Bruce (Affleck) shouted, but it was too late.

Wanda looked up from the book. It fell to the ground as she floated into the air.

"He's manipulating you," Bruce (Affleck) said, trying to convince her. "When he gets what he wants he'll crush you."

"And you think I'm too weak to fight him?" Wanda laughed. "You've always underestimated my power, Bruce. Ever since that day at the airport in Germany. I could have killed you. Right then and there. But I didn't. Only because (Y/N) told me to run."

"And what about now?"

"Now? I'm free of his shadow. I'm free to make my own decisions. For us. For our family."

She conjured red energy into her hands. At this, the three Bruces fired their grapple guns, their capes flowing out as they tried to kick her over all at once. Wanda simply batted them aside with her telekinesis.

"I don't want to hurt you," Wanda said. "But I will."

Up next was the three versions of Peter. They tried attacking from different sides, but Wanda blew them away like she did with the Bruces.

Loki attempted to throw a few knives at Wanda, but she dodged all of them.

Finally, Doctor Strange conjured a pair of orange shields and floated at Wanda. She blasted red energy at him, shots that were easily blocked. Strange conjured a lasso-type weapon and attempted to restrain her, but to no avail. Wanda simply waved her hands and they went away.

"You can't defeat me," She said. "My power is greater than you could ever know."

"I'm not trying to," Strange said. "I'm just trying to distract you."

Wanda whirled around to see that (Y/N) had broken free from his restraints.

"Wanda, I love you, but we need to talk about how crazy that just was," He said.

She tried to restrain him again, but couldn't. Something, or someone, was inhibiting her powers.

(Y/N) fired a heat ray at Wanda's feet as a warning. He didn't want to hurt her.

The Peters and the Bruces had gotten back up, and attacked Wanda. (Y/N) stayed back as she deflected their attacks.

She leapt out a nearby window, floating down to the ground below. (Y/N) was the first to rush out, floating slightly above the ground. Wanda levitated to his height.

"I don't need you to find our children. I'm stronger than that. I can do it myself," She said.

"You said Nightmare needed my fear to keep our children alive in this world." (Y/N) had learned that Nightmare fed on fear to fuel his strength, and keeping the triplets alive would require great amounts of said strength.

"There's another way. I didn't want to do it and neither did he." She paused as (Y/N) looked at her curiously. "If the two universes collide into one they will live here, with no strings attached."

"You can't possibly do that," (Y/N) said.

"Watch me."

Wanda disappeared into a portal. The rest of the heroes joined (Y/N) outside.

"We have to stop her," Bruce (Affleck) said.

"We can't," Strange said. "Not until her plan is in motion."

"What about Nightmare?" (Y/N) asked. "If we stop him, we stop her."

"What do you mean?"

"I met him. Nightmare. He placed her under some sort of mind control. I'm not sure what, but he showed her something and all of a sudden she was like that. She never wanted to hurt anyone. She just wanted to find our children. And I believe she can do that without merging the two universes. She can do that on her own."

"We'll have to wait and see," Strange said. "But it's good to have you back."

(Y/N) looked over at the alternate versions of Bruce and Peter. "Who the hell are you guys?"

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