Chapter 8: Up to Chance

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"What does Dent have to do with the Avengers?" Zemo asked.

"Everything," Val said. "He's the best DA Gotham City has ever seen. If he was on our side, he would be able to put the Avengers in Arkham forever. Maybe even Blackgate."

"And that's where we strike."

"I'll take care of Dent. I've called Toomes, Beck, and Luther already. You'll meet them at that old warehouse down by the piers. You know the one."

"As you wish."


(Y/N) walked into the courtroom, straightening his glasses. He technically didn't need them, but they were a part of the disguise. After all, nobody would recognize him while he was wearing glasses.

A witness was on the podium, about to give a statement. Gotham's new DA, Harvey Dent, was the one questioning.

"Ever since Batman captured Carmine Falcone," Harvey was saying, "Someone had to have taken command of the Falcone crime family."

The witness nodded.

"Is that man in this courtroom today?"

The witness nodded again.

"Could you identify him for the jury, please?"

"Yeah," the witness said. "It's me."

There was a wave of surprise from the jury.

"I have a sworn statement here, from you, that this man, Sal Maroni," Harvey said, pointing to the defendant, "Is the new head of the Falcone crime family."

"Maroni? He's a fall guy. I'm the brains of the operation."

The defendant - Maroni - suddenly raised a gun at Harvey, pulling the trigger. (Y/N) almost rushed over, but stayed when he saw the gun hadn't worked.

Harvey grabbed the gun and disassembled it. "It's from China. Next time, Mr. Maroni, I suggest you buy American."

"Get them out of my sight," the Judge said.

"But Your Honor, I'm not done," Harvey said, eliciting a round of applause from the jury and (Y/N).

The jury and the lawyers, Harvey included, began to pack their things. (Y/N) walked over.

"You must be the new DA," (Y/N) said.

"I am." He held his hand out for a shake. "I'm Harvey Dent."

"(Y/N) (L/N). It's a pleasure."

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get in? I thought this was a private session."

"It was. I have special clearance, I work for the Avengers." He realized he almost just blew his cover. "I mean... I'm not one of them, I'm just, like, a messenger boy." He chuckled.

Harvey chuckled as well. "So what do the Avengers want with me?"

"They were wondering if you could get the criminals they apprehended transferred to Blackgate. Arkham's not exactly well-equipped to hold them. I mean, you say what Bane was able to do with a couple of C4."

"That was my intention. Of course, you have to agree that maybe the Avengers deserve to go to Arkham. Especially that Maximoff girl, after what she pulled in Jersey."

"Trust me. None of them liked that any more than you."

"Doesn't change how many laws they've broken. I could get a city-wide manhunt going for them, and I've been considering it."

"Please, Mr. Dent-"


"Harvey. They're just trying to help out Gotham. And I know that's your job, but it isn't one you need to go alone."

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