Chapter 29: The Destroyer of Worlds

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(Y/N) flew away from the old compound. In the sky above, a white, planet-sized object was floating. (Y/N) made his way to the city. The rest of the team would be here soon enough.

He hadn't learned much about Galactus from the archives in the fortress. But what he had learned was that he wasn't going to be easy to fight, let alone defeat. His powers exceeded that of any being (Y/N) had yet faced. The white object in the sky was his spacecraft.

A pair of fighter jets flew over the city as a hatch slid open on the spacecraft, and a figure leapt out of it. Galactus.

Galactus landed in the center of the city, flattening multiple high-rises and smacking a jet out of the sky with minimal effort. (Y/N) floated up in the air to his level, his black cape flowing out behind him.

"Galactus!" (Y/N) shouted, his voice being heard by the titan. "Leave this world in peace... Or be deposed by Earth's mightiest heroes. I hope." He said the last part under his breath.

"You think you can threaten me, mortal?" Galactus bellowed. "You are all below me. I will consume this world as I have consumed countless others."

Galactus screamed in rage, and a bright white energy ray came out of his eyeballs and consumed (Y/N).

Galactus sneered when he saw that (Y/N) was not in front of him anymore. But, he wasn't dead. Not yet.

(Y/N) was standing on top of Galactus' flat-topped helmet. "Does Galactus always let anger so badly cloud his judgement?"

"What are you?" Galactus asked, looking up to see (Y/N) staring down at his face.

"Just a yammering mortal who knows that naked power is never the answer to any problem."

"How?" Galactus asked as (Y/N) floated back in front of him. "No mortal could survive that. How did you?"

(Y/N) smirked slightly as he saw the rest of the team either flying or riding on Bruce's troop carrier.

"Plot armor, bitch!" Deadpool called from the carrier.

"You are getting very good at breaking the 4th wall at the best moments possible, Wade."

"Wait. Was that a 4th wall break?"


"Shut up!" Galactus yelled, attempting to swat the carrier out of the sky like he did the jet. Fortunately, whoever was piloting it - Victor, probably - anticipated this move and swerved out of the way.

(Y/N) and Kara simultaneously fired heat rays at Galactus, not doing much more than irritating him slightly. Hal fabricated an energy cannon, which he also fired at Galactus.

The ramp on Bruce's transport opened and the rest of the team did what they could to subdue Galactus.

Nothing worked until Manhunter floated next to (Y/N) and spoke to Galactus telepathically.

Galactus nodded, and left the city to another part of the surrounding land. The heroes ceased their attacks.

"What did you say to him?" (Y/N) asked when they were on the ground again.

"I made a deal with him. If we survive for a half an hour against him, he'll leave. If one of us dies in that time, we'll let him consume Earth," Manhunter explained. "He is a warrior, and all warriors have honor."

"Let's hope it works."

Bruce exited the transport. "If it works you can have my cave when I die."

(Y/N) looked at the caped crusader, slightly annoyed. "Bruce, it's been five years, you still owe me sixteen dollars."

Before Bruce could speak, a greyhound bus pulled up next to them. The first person to emerge was someone (Y/N) would recognize from a mile away.

"DuBois," (Y/N) said."I didn't think I'd be seeing you after you shot me."

"I could say the same," DuBois replied.

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