Chapter 24: Two of the Same Man

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Why is he talking like this?" Wanda asked.

"His neural pathways were fried when he lost your connection" Hank explained. "Now, instead of 'hello,' he says 'goodbye.' It's very annoying."

"You think I'm some sort of abomination!" Bizarro yelled at Hank before turning to Wanda. "You said I was your love. Yet you abandoned me!"

"I wanted to see you again, believe me, I did. And I thought I had."

"When that imposter jumped out of the Kryptonian ship."

"How do you know about that?"

"I know everything. I remember everything about that imposter. I see everything he sees. I am him. There's two of us now. You have to choose."

"Are you kidding?" Wanda asked before calming down. "I would choose you. Really, I would. But you're different. You're just a shade of my real husband. I can't-"

"Can't what? Love something you created? Face it, Wanda. You made me out of your grief and love. I am everything you needed me to be. And everything you still need."


"Don't what?"

"Don't try to compare yourself to (Y/N)."

"I'm (Y/N)!" Bizarro shouted, shaking the cage. "I am your real husband! I am the real Superman!"
Wanda shook her head.

"You'll see," Bizarro threatened. "Did he tell you about what Nightmare showed him?" Wanda's eyes lit up at the mention of Nightmare's name. Bizarro chuckled. "Of course not. What he saw is the future. But only if you don't help me."

"What did he see?"

"You. With Darkseid."


(Y/N) and Logan were still on the bench, talking. They had gotten to know each other quite well.
Charles rolled up to the two of them. "(Y/N). Logan. I have a mission for the two of you."

"Go ahead," Logan said.

"(Y/N), there's a man. He's like us, and he has the ability to manipulate metal. He was brought into this universe by the same event that brought me and the others here."

"What do you want with him?" (Y/N) asked.

"He left everything behind. I don't want him to hurt anyone in this world. I want you to bring him here so that I may convince him to help us."

"What's his name?"

"Erik Lehsnherr. Goes by Magneto."

"Where is he?"

"Last I could find him he was in Gotham City."

"I have a friend there," (Y/N) said, standing. "Come on, Logan. Let's get dressed."

"I'm always dressed."

"One more thing," Charles said. "One more person to bring with you."

(Y/N) and Logan turned as a certain red suited mercenary walked up to them.

"That fan campaign worked!" Deadpool said. "I'm back in the book! Time to go bust up Michael Fassbender, am I right guys?"


"What do you mean? How do you know this?" Wanda asked.

"I see everything he sees," Bizarro explained. "It's a curse most of the time, but a gift in certain situations."

"What did he see?"

"Darkseid. Loki. Magneto. Steppenwolf. And you."

"That was an illusion. Nightmare was a being of fear, and if that's his worst fear, then-"

"The Anti-Life Equation showed him things. It's not just a mind control formula. It's the very fabric of the universe itself. The power of the infinity stones was minuscule compared to it. And when Darkseid comes for it, he'll need his four disciples."

"(Y/N) will stop him."

Bizarro laughed. "You think he is all-powerful? You taught me something once. If someone is all-powerful, they cannot be all good. And if they are all good, they cannot be all-powerful. If (Y/N) truly is all good, he will not defeat Darkseid. Darkseid has no good. And he has all the power. He is the Devil."

"That will never happen."

"It will. But only if you don't let me out of here."

Wanda shook her head. "Never." She turned to Hank. "Keep doing whatever you were doing."
She then left as Bizarro cackled after her.

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