Chapter 33: A Storm is Coming

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Steppenwolf's portal opened outside of Chernobyl, Ukraine. His Parademons, less than when he arrived but still a high number, exited before he came through with the Mother Box.

"It's toxic," Steppenwolf said as his Parademons flew towards the abandoned reactor. "That's good."


(Y/N) returned to the Compound with Billy Batson, introducing the newest member to the rest of the team. There were quite a lot of people around, so it took a little while.

"This is really cool," Billy said. "Thank you."

(Y/N) smiled. "Of course. You're one of us now. It's only right."

Diana rushed up to the two of them. "(Y/N), can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Yeah." He turned to Batson. "I think my kids are at lunch right now. If you take a left there you'll find them."

The teen nodded, then left.

(Y/N) turned to Diana. "What is it?"

"Have you seen the news lately?"

"Yeah, that temple in Greece burning? Shame. I wanted to take Wanda there someday."

"That's not all. That temple, I went there earlier today. And I found this." She held up what looked like a burnt arrow. "It's the arrow of Artemis."

"You think it came from your people?" (Y/N) didn't know much about the Amazons, but he did know that they didn't rely on modern technology.

"I'm certain. And this fire, this warning, it can only mean one thing."

A shiver went down (Y/N)'s spine. "He's coming. For real this time."


Steppenwolf stood before a chunk of metal similar to the one Nightmare used to contact Darkseid.

"DeSaad!" He shouted, and the Apokoliptian appeared in the metal.

"Steppenwolf, have you begun the conquest?"

"This world is divided. They are a primitive species. Unevolved and at war with one another. Too separate to be one. Their free will must be ripped from them, like the other worlds. Given absolution in one glorious belief, to serve him."

"The Mother Boxes?"

"I have found one of the three, the one that woke and called to me. The other two still sleep, but the parademons feel their presence. They fly, they search, they take prisoners who carry the scent, while I build a stronghold in the name of his glory."

"Yes. Mighty Steppenwolf, who might have sat here by the side of the great one. But undone by his self-pride."

"He trusted me to take this world! I pleaded with him that I may stand with him when this world is destroyed and the power of Anti-Life is his."

"You betrayed him! Your own family."

"I saw my mistake! I slaughtered those responsible!"

"That does not change what you did. You murdered him, your own nephew. And yet, the prophecy was fulfilled. He returned to this world, from the dead."

Steppenwolf ignored the last statement. "The Mother Boxes will be found and united. No protectors here. This world will fall. Like all the others."

DeSaad's projection began to disintegrate. "For Darkseid."

Steppenwolf nodded. "For Darkseid."


(Y/N) had told Bruce and Sam of the situation. They were sort of the three leaders of the team now, similar to how Tony, Steve, and Banner were when the Avengers first formed.

"You want us to stop him before he gets here?" Sam asked.

"He's going to get here this time," (Y/N) said. "As long as those Mother Boxes still exist, his army will hunt for them. We have to stand together."

Sam nodded. "I'll assemble a strike team to go after his army." He left, leaving Bruce and (Y/N) together.

"What is it?" Bruce asked, noticing the look of worry on (Y/N)'s face.

"All of this... Darkseid, the Mother Boxes... It reminds me of those dreams you had. The future memories. What if it was him all along? What if we can't stop him? What if... what if he corrupts me and uses me as a weapon against you?"

Bruce placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'll never let that happen. I would lay down my life before I saw you, or Wanda, or anyone else on this team hurt."

"I'm staying behind," (Y/N) decided.

"What? We need you. You're the strongest man we have, if you're not there-"

"Bruce, if I'm there it gives Darkseid a perfect opportunity to swoop in and kill her when I'm gone. And I won't be fast enough. He nearly killed me in our last encounter, and he's much, much stronger than Thanos."

Bruce nodded. "You want to protect her. I understand."

"The Mother Box you used to bring me back. Find it and keep it from Steppenwolf as long as possible."


A portal opened above New Asgard. Loki wasn't exactly living there at the time, but he was checking in. They were his people after all, and while Valkyrie had done a fine job ruling them, a part of him still wanted the throne. Even if it wasn't the throne he sought after when Asgard still existed.

Steppenwolf dropped out of the portal and approached Loki.

"Frost Giant," Steppenwolf said.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"You are a hard man to reach. Thanos spoke much of you."

"You knew Thanos?"

"My superior is his brother. And he requested that I find you."

Loki shrugged. "And what might he want with me?"

"He knows of your encounter with He Who Remains. He knows you were betrayed by someone you loved."

A spike of pain shot through Loki at the mention of Sylvie. He had been trying to forget her, but somehow it was impossible.

"Join him," Steppenwolf continued, "And he will help you exact vengeance on those who have wronged you."

Loki could have said yes right then and there, but he didn't. He thought for a moment about taking 'his' throne, and yet his answer was still the same.

"Why not?"

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