Chapter 10: The Rise of Metallo

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"How much longer?" (Y/N) asked.

"A few minutes," Bruce replied. "I just need to find the right memory files."

(Y/N) and the others were still restraining Vision. The latter's head was plugged into Bruce's computer via a bunch of multicolored wires. Bruce and Alfred were trying to restore Vision's memory and his old personality.

Alfred pointed to a file folder. "Is that it, Master Wayne?"

"I think so." Bruce opened the folder. There were hundreds, if not thousands of files. "Yep. This is every time Vision backed up his memory."

"So we only have to restore the most recent file?"

"Yeah." He searched the files. "Here it is. April 27th, 2018."

Bruce typed in a few commands.

"File has been restored," Bruce said. "Let's patch him back up and hope this worked."

Sam carefully removed the wires from the back of Vision's head. Alfred rushed over and placed the vibranium panel that had been removed earlier back. It bonded back instantly thanks to the energy from Hal's ring.

(Y/N) and Peter eases their grips on Vision. Hal moves his hand away, removing the restraints he had summoned.

Vision stood and turned to (Y/N). "Mr. (L/N). Did it work? Has Thanos been stopped?"

(Y/N) chuckled. "You've missed a lot, old friend."


Val had just received word that Zemo had activated Metallo and was about to release him into Gotham. She had returned to her base to witness the perfect plan coming to fruition.

But there was one thing she didn't count on.

Floyd Lawton was aiming a sniper rifle right at her head.

He thought of his daughter, and how his work as a hitman led to him being taken away from her, thanks to Batman. The time he spent in prison. Killing Val wouldn't change any of that. He remembered Harley's words, during their mission to rescue Amanda Waller: "People like us, we don't get normal!"

He took his finger off the trigger. It would be better for him to tell the Avengers where she was than to kill her here and now.

Lawton climbed down the fire escape of the building he was perched on and rushed to get to Wayne Manor.


"And that's everything that's happened so far," (Y/N) said. He had been explaining the past 5 and a half years to Vision.

"So you died?"


"And then Mr. Wayne brought you back to life with a magic box?"

"That's an oversimplification of events, but yes."

Peter rushed into the room. "You guys gotta see this."

They followed him into the room with Bruce's computer, and on one of the screens a news report was playing.

"If you're just joining us, we're reporting live on a traffic accident involving Tony Stark, former CEO of Stark Industries. Police say that due to the open rear left door and the bullet wound in the driver, this was no accident. Mr. Stark has been transported to Gotham General Hospital, where we are unsure if he will make a full recovery."

"Who could have done this?" (Y/N) asked.

"I did," Came a voice from behind them.

(Y/N) turned to face the person behind him. "Harvey?"

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