Chapter 38: The Days of Future Past, Part One

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Wanda walked into Darkseid's throne room, flanked by a pair of Parademons.

Darkseid was on his throne, awaiting her arrival. Next to him were Steppenwolf and DeSaad.

The Apokoliptian shifted in his seat as she approached. "What is it?"

Wanda motioned for the Parademons to leave. "I wish to inform you that the Insurgency has risen once again in the Gobi desert - however, there is a new development in their group. Batman and the Kryptonian are among them."

Darkseid's lips curled into a smile. "Then the object known as Metallo will be useful to us once again." He paused. "Go. Oversee the attack."

"One more thing."


"I'm sorry about what I'm about to do."

Steppenwolf raised his axe, but it would do no good as Wanda lifted Darkseid into the air and made a slicing motion with her hands. A crack sounded as Darkseid's neck broke.

She brushed his body off the throne and sat. "This is my world now."


Bruce fired his rifle at the oncoming Parademons, then grabbed the woman lying wounded on the floor. She was shot rather quickly, but Bruce continued to fire at the Parademons.

Two more attempted to grab him, but he elbowed one and shot it dead, then flipped the other over and smacked him with the butt of his rifle.

(Y/N) flew in from above, firing a heat ray at the oncoming forces, slicing through them like paper.

"Is that all of them?" Bruce asked.

A giant armored figure came down into the sky above them.

The face was a metallic silver skull, with green eyes piercing through the air like blades. Mounted on its shoulders were two grenade launchers, and in the center, powering it, was a piece of Kryptonite.

Metallo had been rebuilt.

Bruce immediately raised his rifle and attacked, but the mech barely took notice of him as it fired a Kryptonite bomb at (Y/N). The Kryptonian was able to avoid the cloud of green gas, but he flew straight into Metallo's waiting grasp.

Bruce chucked an explosive at the massive robot, but he wasn't fast enough, and (Y/N) was brought to Metallo's chest cavity.

(Y/N) slipped out of consciousness as the Kryptonite took hold.

Bruce, however, was still in the fight. He raised his rifle and aimed for Metallo's green eyes, firing once and causing the thing to roar in pain. He aimed and shot the second eye, completely blinding the mech.

He pulled out his grapple gun and shot it onto Metallo's neck, zipping up and removing (Y/N) from the chest cavity. He then grabbed the Kryptonite rock and pulled it out of the machine.

Bruce threw the rock away, and allowed the metal beast to fall to the ground.

"(Y/N)," He said, running over to his friend. "(Y/N)? Come on, wake up."

(Y/N) suddenly coughed, his eyes snapping open. "Please tell me it's dead this time."

Bruce looked over at the pile of metal. "I think so."

Bruce offered (Y/N) his hand and helped him stand. He immediately knew something was wrong with his friend.

"Something's not right," (Y/N) said. "I feel... different."

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