Y'all Are In For A Ride (Optimus X femme reader)

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"...she's going to come online soon...don't wake her...is she ally or foe...?"

"Ugh...Five more kliks, Orion..." I mumbled; waving my arms in the air, to which I deeply regretted soon enough as pain flared up onto my shoulderplates, tearing me away from my peaceful slumber and forcing me to online.

"Frag!" My (e/c) optics shot opened as I hissed audibly.

Looking around groggily, I realised a familiar red and blue bot stood in front of me with some other bots around him.


I left the housing unit that I've shared with Orion a few days ago, which means I SHOULD NOT be hearing any noises or seeing anybot in my own PERSONAL QUARTERS!

"Holy frag!" I got up and backed away, only to let out a strained cry that got their attention, especially the one in the middle; the awfully familiar bot in front of me.

Narrowing my optics, I concentrated on the mech in front of me as I tried to focus my blurry optics at him. Once my vision was cleared, the mech in front of me stared back with equally confused optics and quite honestly, an adorable sight.

Pinching my cheeks, I realised that I'm absolutely not dreaming and came closer to the mech's face. Cupping his faceplates, I touched his sleek metal as I scooted closer to have a good look.

"Ish there shomthwin wong?" the bot spoke. 

Reality finally sets in and I let out a scream as I realised he was REAL AND SO WAS ALL OF THIS WHAT THE FRAG-

"WHAT THE FRAG ARE Y'ALL DOING IN MY QUARTERS!?" I screamed back away and waved my already aching servos in front of them. Looking down at myself, I realised my servos were repaired but still had some scars and faint scratches on them.

Scratch that, my whole frame was littered with injuries. What the frag is going on?

"Uh..." looking around, I realised I was absolutely NOT in my own housing unit, and this was definitely NOT my quarters.

"Please, we won't hurt you." that voice, that familiar voice...Orion!?

"Orion!?" I looked at the mech before me, bewildered. The last I saw him was a few days ago when I got my stuff loaded in my subspace and some onto the moving truck service. He said his goodbyes and I didn't think we would be meeting again in this situation.

On a side note, he was WAY smaller than how he is now and definitely does not look like some stern librarian. Since when did he get an upgrade and why am I not notified? I thought we were friends!?

The red and blue bot before me scrunched up a little as he took in my frame before a look of recognition hits him.

"(Y/N)?!" he gasped, coming close to me. Another very familiar orange and white bot came to view, having the same expresssions on his faceplate.

"Wait, did you just say (Y/N)?" the mech said, optics wide.

I scrunched up my face and concentrated on the mech behind Orion before lightening up.

"Ratchet!" I said, smiled plastered on my face.

"Okay, can someone tell us what's going on?" a femme spoke up, crossing her arms as she gave us a questioning look.

Orion went and picked me up, seeing that I was still hurt and unable to stablise on my own.

"Easy, (Y/N) ..." he said, though his voice and tone seems...stern.

The Orion I've grown to love is a little sassy aft, so who the frag replaced my librarian?! Narrowing my optics, I gave him a look, demanding answers to all this crap.

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