Don't Wake Me Up! (Autobots X Femme Reader)

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A/N: Hello! Here's a crazy chapter before I go to bed! Have fun reading yall!!

And yes, you are very badass in this. XD


Sleep. That's all you do.

...Or so most people would think. You were a special Cybertronian originated from a mysterious region called Heian. Heian was an unknown place to most bots, exclusive to only a certain group of Bots. The town of Heian was unlike the rest of the world. While the rest of the world work by day and recharge at night, your birth place was the other way around.

You thrive in the darkness and lay low during the day. Simply put, the town bots of Heian were all nocturnal, you included. It just meant that if you bots stayed up morning, it would be equivalent to normal Cybertronians staying up late night.

But there was a catch, the people of Heian were strong.


Your people were ostracized and excluded, but they didn't give a damn, choosing to live peacefully alone by the far outskirts. They had the essentials in the town, so the town folks had no care of reaching out and connecting with the rest of the world. Heians, a name given to the people of Heian, had Predacon CNA coursing in their body. Some more prominent than others, some not so evident.

Nonetheless, your people were absolutely powerful and formidable. Heians were one of the few Cybertronians to be banned at the Pits, unless requested or they had an event going on. Somehow, Megatron survived but had yet been graced upon the chance with duelling against them. Heians strike fear in almost every Cybertronian gladiators for their sizes and strength, often offlining fellow fighters with a crush of their fist.

By the Primes, your species were an anomaly.

Sadly, your hometown and all of your loved ones were wiped out by either the Cosmic Rust or Cybonic Plague, marking the extinctions of your culture and people. You survived the eons of battle only to fall to the knees to a mere plague, it is quite ironic actually.

Anyhow, you were the only lucky one to survive and followed Optimus's crew to Earth. Your existence and biology were understanded by both the Prime and Ratchet, the two giving you many leeway to your sleeping patterns. You would recharge at day and scout at night, protecting the team from the darkness that you thrived in.

On a rare occasion that the team required your help, you would be active for a brief moment during the day and needed extra rest after you were done. Ratchet had made your situation equal to the Ion Cannon; powerful and devasting, but needs to cool down and recharge.

Your kind were fiercely loyal to a fault...and also REALLY HOT-HEADED. That was the main reason why Heians weren't allowed at the Pits. You kill all and won't be able to feel pain while engaging. It was as if Heians were mindless machines completing its daily task. The worst of all, they ALWAYS come out victorious.

That being said, you had all but ONE pet-peeve that the team obeyed; DON'T EVER DISTURB YOUR SLEEP WITHOUT PROPER REASONINGS.

Team Prime learned it the hard way when Bulkhead and Bumblebee decided to invite you out for a DAY scout, not understanding the situation fully. The two Autobots made a grave mistake and had one of the rooms exploded.

Thank Primus it was empty.

The yellow and black scout nearly lost his left servo while the ex-Wrecker had it even worse, his faceplate nearly melted and killed him. You had blown fire into their face and the two idiots got spark terrors for a few nights due to that.

Obviously, Optimus wasn't pleased with your actions and spoke about it with you late night. Although it wasn't ENTIRELY your fault, you still apologised and asked the Prime to pass the message to the team. You didn't mean to hurt them, but your primal protocols onlined the minute you felt them tugging your wings.

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