Broken Machines Can't Be Repaired. (Human! Optimus X Human! Reader)

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A/N:I'm sorry to say that my Ioa series is being put off so long but I'm in love with this one shots series XD. As always, try to find as many easter eggs as you could! I'll uncover all of it later on UWU

I'll update my Ioa series soon XD SORRY! 


(Y/N) and Optimus stared at each other awkwardly, none daring to move. After a long period of silence, Optimus stood up. (Y/N) released a shaky breath and did the same. She noticed the cuts in his feet and gasped.

"H-Hey! You're bleeding! Y-Your legs..." She trailed off, trying to find a cloth. Optimus tilted his head at her actions, confused.

"Why...are you...concerned?" he asked, grabbing hold of the lady's hand. This time, she didn't manage to stop herself from squealing. Her high-pitched noise made Optimus ticked off and he pulled her close, his bloodied hands clamping her mouth shut.




(Y/N) hits his arms, crying as she tries to fight away from his grasp. (Y/N) was getting a little lightheaded due to the oxygen being cut off but she tried to fight back.

"Mhmph! Mhpmh!" the lady muffled voice made Optimus even more angry.

"Shut up! Don't speak! T-They'll come f-for me!" Optimus's voice faltered; he was looking around worriedly. (Y/N) stop struggling and he released his grip on her. She fell to the ground, choking and gasping for air. Optimus backs away as the voice attacks him, making him even more terrified and confused.

'LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU NEARLY KILLED HER!' The voice scolded. Optimus's eyes softened and he dropped to the lady's side.

"I-I didn't m-mean to..." he stumbled, wincing a little. (Y/N) looked up to him shakily before gulping, wiping her eyes.

"Y-You nearly...killed me..." (Y/N) hiccuped, eyes red from crying. Optimus looked down, tugging at his worn-out shirt.

'Ask for help...'

'Yeah, right. We nearly committed murder. The girl wouldn't want to help us, dipshit.'

'Have faith...'

'Oh, please! You don't even sound convinced!'

Optimus furrowed his eyebrows and spoke up, eyes glistening as he chose to listen to the good voice.

"C-Can me...? I'm s-sorry for attacking..." he asked. (Y/N) hesitantly looked towards the injured man and sighed, her good-hearted nature getting the best of her.

'He didn't mean to attack me; he was just spooked from me suddenly screaming...' (Y/N) thought to herself, feeling bad for the man before her.

"Fine...but we need to give you a name, okay?"


After a long, tedious moment of cleaning the man from his wounds and all, I found an oversized T-shirt and a loose pants for him. I've also managed to clean the floors after the mess he made. All in all, it took me 4 hours. Which means it is now 7am in the morning. Dear Lord, I need sleep badly and so does he.

By the way, I need to mention that how in God's name is he still alive? With the amount of blood that he lost, he should be shivering and most probably be dead by now!

Looking at the cleaned man, I sighed and helped him up to my room. Though, my help seemed to be useless as he could walk upstairs just fine...if you ignore the limp of his injured ankle. I gave him the room to my left to sleep, but he was afraid of being alone. Tugging at the hem of my shirt, he gave me a look of sadness as he spoke.

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