Broken Machines Can't Be Repaired Part 3 (Human! Optimus X Human! Reader)

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A/N: Part 3 of the series! Enjoy~

TW: Trauma, PTSD, Split Personality, Angst.

Edited: Shit! The last part please ignore that's for later T^T aaaaa spoileersssss


"Ah, finally home!" I said, taking off my shoes and diving straight onto the couch. Mark followed behind, doing the same thing before giving me a blank look.

"Careful, M'lady. You might knock your head." He said, frowning as he came to my side, checking for any harms. The big guy was very protective with me.

"It's fine, don't worry." I assured the man. Taking out my phone, I gave the caring man a toothy grin.

"So, pizza?"


After receiving the pizza, we got changed into a more comfortable clothing and sat down in front of the TV, flipping through the channels. Mark had his eyes furrowed as they dilated and contracted, signalling that he was currently having a chat with his inner voices.

Mark said there were two voices in his mind. One good, one...not so good. The former mentioned to Mark before that his name was O-Op starts with the letter 'O', I can't really remember. The other not-so pleasant voice was the one making him restless, always on edge and wary of other humans.

Yeah, that's right. Besides me and Albert, Mark has a lot of trouble with going out and meeting other people. Heck, he growled at Albert when they first met and it wasn't pretty. Thank God Albert was kind and understanding enough. Dear Lord, it took a long while for Mark to get used with Albert and hanging around in the library. Now it's like our second home and we find peace with burying our minds with the smell of old, musty books.

Our relationship was somewhat like boyfriend-girlfriend, we never really mentioned about it. Though, he does give me lots of kisses to the head as I do the same with I take it we're in love? I must clarify, I do love him. He was absolutely amazing and besides his flaws, Mark was a very caring and compassionate man. I felt safe and at peace whenever he's around and he feels the same too.

"Hey, what do you wanna watch?" I asked, bringing him out of his train of thoughts. Mark gave me a glance before shrugging, leaning for a hug. It was a routine for the big teddy bear to hug me when he's anxious and unnerved. I had to stop myself from screaming the first few times it happened. It took a while, but I got used to it.

By the way, Mark sleeps with me and I've found myself snuggling in his warm embrace every night. Especially on rainy nights, Mark was my best heater, providing me warmth without any effort. He doesn't mind it either, choosing to spoon me and burying his face in my hair.

"(Y/N) ...I'm confused..." Mark spoke up, bringing me back to the present. My eyes softened as I ran my hands through his thick hair. The large man laid down on my lap, still having a grip on my hips as I comforted the traumatised man.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned for the man before me.

"They are fighting...make it stop..." Mark said, sobbing in my lap. I pulled him close and he gave in, hugging me tight and wept. His large frame shook, the terrified man releasing all of his frustration through tears.

"The voices again, my dear?" I asked tenderly, brushing my hands up and down on his back, soothing him. He nodded, gripping his head as he cried for help.

"Please make it stop..." he begged. My heart broke at the sight of the man breaking down. Taking his hands slowly, I massaged them a little before cupping his face, making him look at me.

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