Fate And Destiny ( Team Prime X reader)

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'Hello (Y/N), we won't be back for another two months but we've sent you the money. Take care.' Was what mother's message read.

Sighing, I checked my bank account online and sure enough, I had extra two months allowance in it. Putting my phone in the pocket, I gathered up my stuff into a bag and locked the doors, heading out for a walk.

The message may seem sweet and caring but deep down I knew that my family never really cared for me, choosing to stay in another continent just to get the point across. I've been living alone for nearly all my life and quite frankly, I don't really care anymore.

If they don't want to love me, I can't force them to do so.

My brothers were perfect; first in the class and team captain in sports. I was the only daughter they have but it seems that I've only managed to pick up on the sports genes. Don't get me wrong, my grades are fine but I'm no genius, I just maintain them at about top 4 in the class. No more, no less.

Perhaps I could be first but it doesn't matter, I had no one to show them anyways. After all, I'll be overshadowed by my two brothers any day. Sports, on the other hand, came in natural for me. And by mean natural, I meant ALL OF IT.

Anything regarding physical activities seemed so natural for me, as if I'm programmed for all sports of any kind. From swimming to marathon to even martial arts, I have them all perfected. I could do a split anytime, anywhere. Calculus? Well, I can; but I rather not.

I may be 5'2 but I was much more agile than the boys in my school and don't even get me started with high jumps or long jumps; I ruled them all. Naturally, I'm the school's team captain for sports, playing and winning all game for the school.

Currently, I'm donned with my usual (f/c) shirt with a long black jacket and a black cargo pants. I swapped my trainers for combat boots and headed off to nowhere; letting my feet carry me to wherever. It was a Friday evening and I had finished all of my work early, giving me extra time to do whatever I like, that means I can train and workout all day until I tire myself out.

Slinging my bag over my shoulders, I jogged down the empty road of Jasper, Nevada. It was late evening and the sun has begun to set; vermillion red blanketing the streets of Nevada. I continued my trip, jogging towards the rocky hills. I've heard rumors about aliens residing there but I'm not too bothered. As long I have a place to train in peace, I don't mind sharing with whomever.

Within minutes, I reached the empty hills and dropped my bag on the dusty ground. Reaching in, I pulled out a pair custom-made sword I've ordered from the Dark Web.

...The forger was giving out sales, so I got myself a pair of (f/c) blades and some throwing knives. To make the set complete, I got myself a pair of guns with (f/c) highlights; also from the same guy. Illegal? Probably, but I don't care. These weapons worked with me naturally, as if they are a part of my body.

Sighing, I tied my hair up into a ponytail and started to do some warm-ups. After getting myself ready, I began with the basic swinging of the swords before moving onto some sword exercise; jumping and twisting in the air and doing some impressive footwork while remembering the steps.

My peaceful training was cut off when I heard a collective of gasps from behind. Turning around, I'm faced with Miko, the school's transfer student from Japan.

"That's so cool! You're (Y/N), right? Our school's sports team captain!?" she gushed. I blinked at her and gave her a small nod, before turning my gaze to see a small boy and another taller one.

Raf and Jack; if my memories served me right. The former was a genius, skipping grades although he's only twelve and a quarter. The latter on the other hand, was laid back and quite chill of a guy. He also works in KO Burgers as a part-time job, I've seen him a few times with his superbike.

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