Broken Machines Can't Be Repaired. (Human! Optimus X Human! Reader)

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A/N: I know I did a lot of Op x reader and Megs x reader but they are my favs and therefore I'm doing them  UWU. Also, try to see how many hints and easter eggs you can find in this chapter! Not many but there's a few!

You may suggest other characters, I'll see if I wanna do it or not, tee-hee XD




It was two weeks since Optimus was captured by the evil organisation, MECH's. The Prime was caught off-guard and ambushed by them. He was brought back into their base which was heavily shielded that even the Autobots could not get hold of their leader's location nor can they receive transmission via commlinks.

'I'm so cold...' Optimus thought to himself as the group of evil humans approached him, stun gun in their hands as they demanded details from the leader.

'Must...hold team... will come...right?' Optimus thought to himself, not really paying attention to the MECH's leader.

"Last time, Prime. How do we build the fucking groundbridge!?" Silas growled, stabbing the prod into the Autobot's neck cables.

Optimus couldn't hold in his voice this time and let out a scream, struggling and writhing in the thick chains as he spasmed violently. The Prime's voice echoed through the hollow base, making the leader smile even more. Silas released the torture weapon and forced the Prime to look at him.

Even with the size difference, the human still gave no damn in regards of his safety.

After all, they had stripped Optimus down and neutralised him, rendering him useless. Looking up slowly, Optimus gave a dull stare as he tried to be brave, but even the Prime had his limits...and it was slowly being chipped away.

"I...will...never- AAAARGHHH!" Optimus cried out in pain as Silas commanded the team to pull the chains. The reinforced shackles pulled his limbs, dangerously close to tearing them apart.

"Answer me!" Silas yelled, prodding him again.

"Ngghh- NEVER!"


A part of Optimus regretted not telling. They had the poor mech beaten over and over again, brutally subjecting the Prime with various torture methods; all equally painful. When he was close to offlining, the team shoved down unfiltered Energon into his intakes. His tanks churned in disgust at their act but he was powerless against them.

Silas got fed up with the torturing methods and switched to another...experiment. The crazed man decided that if humans were able to replicate and be one like the Cybertronians, surely there was a way to turn those gigantic beings into humans!

And the psychotic man achieved the impossible.

He managed to create a fake human body and tinkered something to it before forcefully transferring Optimus's conscience into it. Unfortunately, during the process of shifting there was a malfunction. It was as if Primus heard the hopeless mech's prayer and tried his last will to help the last of Primes.

The machine connecting to Optimus and the test subject's body exploded.

Silas and the team were silent as they saw the once motionless body came alive, weakly but there were movements. The human male's eyes shone a dull colour of blue and had the tell-tale Cybertronian audial fins for ears. The man groaned, trying to get up but MECHs were much faster.

With a quick chop to the neck, Optimus was out once more.


It was two months after Optimus's capture. The team were unnerved to no end. Attacks from the Cons were getting out of hand and they didn't have a leader to guide them. Surprisingly, Jack helped by giving advices, but he was no Prime.

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