Musical Melancholy (Optimus x Human! Reader)

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A/N: now I know I said that I was going to the other characters...SOON XDDD


TW: Bullying, Angst.


Anger. White hot ferocity boiling in your very body as you stood steaming in the corners, not facing the Prime. You came back to base in a shitty mood and it honestly wasn't the Bot's fault nor yours. Optimus tried to talk to you but you just have had enough and turned to a side, silently brooding alone.

No one tried to come near you after you had just blatantly turned down a Prime's offer on going for a scouting trip. You were very adamant on him letting you tag along, so for you to reject him after months of practically begging...something was definitely wrong.

And oh, how right they were.

The story begins when you were making you way out of the school, excited to spend time with your favourite leader. Slamming the locker door shut, you were bouncing on the balls of your heels, eager to get away from the confinement called school. Your pathway got blocked by a group of idiots.

To be exact, Vince's group.


"Move it, Vince." I said, tugging on my backpack straps, not in the mood for his bullshittery. Vince smirked, tipping his water bottle over my head and pouring his water on me. I stood still, not wanting to react.

Optimus wouldn't want me to be rash.

"Haha! Awwww, is mommy home today? Or is she sleeping around with another man, like a whore that she is?" Vince teased, gripping my chin and forcing me to look up on him. I glared at him but kept my cool.

Just get this done so I can go have a fun road trip with Optimus, Primus damn you.

"Hey Vince, did you know? Her father knew that (Y/N)'s an illegitimate and that's why he went off to the Army!" Adrian laughed, high-fiving with the rest of the cronies. Sierra and her friends snickered too, adding fuel to the fire.

"I mean, look at her! She doesn't even look like her father!" She added, checking her nails nonchalantly.

I snapped.

On a normal day, I would've let them get away with this. I didn't want to cause more trouble than I needed to, given that my situation isn't...friendly to begin with. I was going to let them do whatever, I swear!

...until they mentioned my father.

It was as if they triggered a switch in me, unleashing a ferocious, untamed beast. I snapped my head towards Sierra, gritting my teeth. Vince pulled me back to face him.

Very FUCKING well then.

I raised my legs and slammed them square onto his abdomen, sending him flying out of the corridor and tumbled onto the staircase leading out from our school. We were quite close to the door so the impact threw him far enough. Not wasting a second longer, I slammed my fist onto Adrian's stomach before kicking him away. The idiot crashed on top of Vince, much to my delight.

Twisting my body to meet the rest of the cronies, I smirked darkly before setting eyes on a certain blonde girl. I went straight for Sierra, pulling her hair and gave her a bitch slap. She's still a lady so I'll save some dignity for the bastard, but she was a total A-class bitch.

Sierra knocked onto the locker, whining in pain. I stood up straight, wet hair making my frame even more terrifying as I spoke.

"I'll kill you all." I said, raising my fist and cracked it, inching forward. The cowards screamed and ran, leaving the queen bee to my mercy. Pulling her face towards me, I gave her another slap and yanked her up.

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