Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer ( Megatron X Human! reader)

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"PUT ME DOWN IN THIS INSTANCE!" I yelled, struggling in the silver warlord's grasp as I tried my best to pull away from the idiot's grip. That fragging bastard was going to suffocate me for Primus's sake!

"I-If you're trying t-to kill me, y-you're doing a g-great j-job!" I gasped for air as I glared at the buckethead. Megatron rolled his optics and pulled my close to his face as he spoke, his loud voice made my ears rang as he yelled in front of me.

"SILENCE!" he hissed; red optics boring into my soul.

 Was I scared? Nope. If anything, I'm kind of on the verge dying right now and I really don't want to have this rust bucket as the last thing I see before I perish.

Why couldn't it be puppies or food? Why it got to be this bag of oversized metal?

Groaning, I mustered all the strength I had left in me all pulled myself out from his grasp. The mech was about to capture me again when I snapped back at him, giving him a piece of my own goddamn mind.

"Look here, you little shit! I know it's no use of asking or begging you to let me go because you're going to use me as ransom from the Autobots. But if you're going to use me, at least think twice before you go squeezing on me goddamn you! If you haven't noticed yet, I'M MADE OF FLESH YOU IDIOT!" Anger coursed through my veins as I told the overgrown bot off.

Is this going to heighten the probability of me dying? Absolutely. Do I give a damn? Not really. If I die, just make sure that whatever I own shall be given to the dog, especially all of my plushies.

"For a small insect, you sure do have much to talk." He growled, glaring at me with his ruby optics. Huffing, I crossed my arms as I stood on his now opened palm.

"Well, at least I gave a damn good speech." I rebutted, narrowing my eyes at him. Megatron rolled his optics and set me down on his table, nudging me off from his hands only for me to swat his digits away.

"That's no way of asking a lady to get off you foul beast!" I snapped; hitting his digits and jumping down from his servo. Megatron glowered at me and bend down to look at me closer, though I still had to look up to meet his red optics.

God, why did they have to be red?

"You're threading on thin ice, fleshling. My patience is wearing thin, tell me what I want to know and I might let you live for another day!" he said, tone sharp and commanding. I rolled my eyes and sat criss-crossed on the table, turning my head at the other side as I crossed my hands in front of me.

"Hmph!" I didn't not bother to listen, choosing to brood over than to hear his whatever commands on me. It angered him even more, to which I'm quite proud that I've made the Decepticon leader snap at me, a small and trivial being.

"You dare turn your helm against me!?" he roared and slammed down his fist on the table. The action caused me to shake a little but I still had my butt firmly sat on the Cybertronian-sized table. Turning to him lazily, I gave him a loud yawn and a bored look, which did a great job at ticking him off even more.

"You were saying?" I said innocently, blinking at the large mech. He vented loudly before grabbing me forcefully and held me close to his face. The force knocked the wind out of my lungs and I struggled in grasp, colours drained from my face as I wheezed for air.

"G-Get...fragged..." I said to the mech weakly before dark visions clouded me and I went dark.


I woke up with a terrible headache. A VERY HORRIBLE FRAGGING HEADACHE. Groaning, I looked around tiredly as my visions were still blurry and my mind was pounding like crazy.

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