Jealous, My Love? (Ultra Magnus X Femme Reader)

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A/N: Optimus is something like Jack's character in this chapter, and he swears! 


"Hey (Y/N), check this out!" the rookie said. I laughed and came to his side, peeking over his shoulders to see what he was doing. He was holding a human version of a datapad and it was displaying a video of cute organic animal called dogs.

There were so many types of dogs and its younglings, which are named puppies. From Labrador to Golden Retrievers to Huskies, they all had a certain cuteness within them and I just can't help but want one.

...Except Chihuahuas, they are terrifying. They may be small but they are vicious. I'm absolutely terrified by them and I won't deny it. Jack let me watched a video the other day about chihuahuas attacking their owner and I must say, it's funny at the same time scary.

No thank you.

Anyways, me and Smokescreen were gushing at the adorable animal when a pair of heavy pedsteps brought us back to reality. Looking up, we were faced with the Autobot Commander, Ultra Magnus.

"And what do you think you both are doing?" he said gruffly, peering down at the tablet and plucked the device from Smokescreen's servo. Inspecting it, he tilted his helm in confusion as he saw a video of young Golden Retrievers running towards the camera.

"AWWW~" Me and Smokescreen cooed in unison, clutching our chassis as we sighed. The cuteness was too unbearable for us. Handing the datapad to Jack, Ultra Magnus started to chew us out.

"Instead of being useful for the team, you two decided to waste precious time on ...this!?" he said with disgust. Smokescreen and I looked at each other for a moment before the latter ran away, leaving me to deal with the lieutenant.

"TRAITOR!" I yelled. That bastard left me to fend for my own!

"Uh..." I stuttered as I scratched the back of my neck cables. Ultra Magnus had his gaze firm on me as he towered me over. The bot was nearly the height of Optimus yet his aura was scarier than the Prime. Without a word, he grabbed my servo and dragged me along with him; not giving me any second to reply.

"H-Hey!" I said, shocked and wrenched away my servos from the mech. We've arrived at the training room and we were alone. I gave the mech a small pout and rebutted; not caring if he has a higher status than me.

You don't just drag somebot around as you please!

"What was that for!?" I whined, gripping the side of my hips as I glared at him. Ultra Magnus said nothing as he continued to stare at me angrily.

"Come on big guy, say something! You don't just leave a femme hanging, you know?" I said, pouting even more at the mech. He scoffed at me before turning around and left me alone in the training room.

"H-Hey! Where y-your going?" I called out but to no avail. Ultra Magnus straight up ignored me and left me here to...I don't know? Reflect on my decision, I guess?

Running out to chase after the mech, I realised the commander had left base to go out and scout. Huffing, I turned around only to bump onto someone. I yelped and fell right on my aft. Looking up, I rubbed my behind in pain as I realised I've knocked over my leader, Optimus.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I did not see you there." He said and pulled me up. I dusted myself and gave him a reassuring smile, apologising instead.

"No, no. It's my fault, I wasn't looking and bumped into you." I said, nodding at him. The Prime was about to speak up when I cut him off, setting a servo on his arms.

"Come on brother, it's not your fault. Besides, I can handle a fall. I'm not completely helpless, my dear brother of mine." I said sassily and Optimus optic rolled at me.

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