I Need A Hero (Smokescreen X Human! Reader)

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A/N: A request from @Butterflymed ! XD idk how the storyline is but uhh here, a short chapter XDDD Enjoy~~



Me. Yes, me.

I am a hero in disguise peacefully resigned at a small town called Jasper, Nevada. I've lived my life on this planet for quite a while now, choosing to spend my days as a normal...human being. I originated from a distant planet called Xar which ironically speaking was quite near to the Autobot's home planet, Cybertron.

Keyword; was.

My home planet was destroyed due to a large meteorite striking it down, killing lots of my people. Some decided to migrate onto Cybertron while others reside on other worlds. My people are somewhat peaceful organics, if you don't count the superpowers bestowed upon us since birth. We have the fundamental powers like elementals, telepathy, telekinesis while some have the rarer ones like weather control or invisibility.

Though one thing is absolutely certain; all Xarios, the people of Xar, had the ability to shape-shift. Hence, I chose to take on the most humanely feminine figure I could think up off and stayed low profile in this humble planet. Our species were never ones to fight, merely spending our days doing relaxingly and slow pace. There's the occasional bickers and fights, but my home planet is by far one of the most understanding and welcoming planets in the galaxy...that is until it perished.

Speaking of powers, I was the...gifted ones. Born with the ability of creation, I could conjure powers in any given moment and bend it to my will, making me possibly the most frightening entity in the realm of living. In my world, I was dubbed as the 'Night Demon', due to my first power associating with darkness. Fortunately for the humans and the rest of the world, (Y/N) is a lazy 2 million years old lady with an unhealthy craving for sweets, particularly gummy bears.

They are fragging delicious and I can't help myself.

Anyways, it didn't take long when I found out about the existence of the Autobots on Earth and I was bored...so I accidentally came across seeing them fighting off the Decepticons. Long story short, I was brought back and I got assigned with Ratchet as my guardian.

I swear, it's a total coincidence. (Y/N) just so happened to teleport to the scene and absolutely DID NOT try to get the bots attention at all. Nope.

Luckily, no one knows about my powers.

Later on, the crew got larger and we had a new member named Smokescreen. I already foreseen his arrival but dear god, he's so handsome...and arrogant. That slagger is really the mech of a kind, both good and bad ways. He's bubbly, cheerful...and really fragging annoying. But underneath his irritating posture, the young mech had a golden spark.

That is, if you would ever see past his witty comebacks and ego, of course.

After the incident of the team losing the keys, Smokescreen was pissed and drove off, feeling like he wasn't welcomed to the team. I stood silently as I watched the scene played out, knowing that something bad will happen; I just didn't know when.

Until Optimus decoded the final Iacon code and realised that the fourth key was INSIDE the destiny's child system.

How the frag did the idiot not feeling awkward with that massive key inside him? Whatever the reason is, it will forever haunt my dreams because that shit is huge! Surely that rookie would've felt something by now!

With that being said, I sighed and quietly went off on a solo mission; to bring the dumb mech back. Yes, I liked him. That's the only reason on why I'm risking my identity for that guy. Though, I had my gears on to hide my face.

Have I mentioned that I got caught a few times by the human camera when I used my powers? No? Well pretty much I got a name here too on Earth as a superhero...meh. Someone called me Lady Miracle and I got stuck with it...for whatever the reason is, I think it was to do with me saving a group of school kids from fire or something, I don't know.

I don't mind saving humans, they need all the help they can get. With their current situation ranging from environment to political to just personal reasons, the world is in desperate need for a little help.

...Just don't bug me, I am too lazy for the daily crisis. I'll help when I see the need but don't expect me to come pick your cat off the tree; that's what the ladders for.

Back to the main point. Making my way up to the Nemesis via flight, I safely landed and phased in, too lazy to bust it down. I need to conserve energy after all, my powers aren't never-ending! I sighed and floated down the empty hallways, in search my crush.

"ARGH!" the sound of Smokescreen screaming in pain got me into edge as I phased into one room. Apparently, Knockout was holding the saw DANGEROUSLY close to Smokescreen's chassis, ready to cut him up ALIVE.

Hell no, bitch!

I sent Knockout flying via telekinesis before switching his lights off by electrocuting him. Sticking him up the wall with metal bending, I freed Smokescreen off the cuffs.

The latter had his optics bulging out, staring at me.

"U-Uh- W-What!? H-How-did-"

"You're welcome, by the way." I said, using a fake voice. I didn't want him to recognise my voice after all. Smokescreen sighed and relented, giving me a nod of thanks. I was about to teleport back to base when the rookie picked me up and KISSED ME!

Does that idiot just kiss someone every time he gets save or WHAT!?

"Thanks, sweetspark." He winked at me before running off, fetching for the rest of the keys. I stood there awkwardly before breaking out into a stupid smile, blushing red under my mask.


"Yeah, very much welcome...my love."

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